New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Merrimack

Mattie (Kilborn) Webster
was a Merrimack teacher
who helped educate many
of the young men who
fought in WWI and
documented what she knew
about local history.

I would not have known certain intimate details of Merrimack, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire’s contributions to the WWI effort, except that my paternal grandmother, Mattie (Kilborn) Webster wrote about them. She was a school teacher in Merrimack, having graduated from the local McGaw Normal Institute (a teacher’s preparatory school). She was also the town’s first historian, compiling the town’s history on specific topics for Merrimack’s Bicentennial Celebration.

The history information immediately following about WWI is from Merrimack’s Bicentennial Pageant held on June 30, 1946,  presented on that day by speaker, Horace Patterson. I have my grandmother’s handwritten notebook that holds the original text and notes, thanks to my cousin Janice (Watkins) Trebesch who saved them for me.

As for the rest of what you will read here–it is the result of laborious but important research.  I went to a variety of sources, including the engraving on the Merrimack Soldiers and Sailors monument, and two newspaper notices that mentioned the Merrimack WWI veterans by name.  From there I sought documents from their life and death that provided me with details. Their military travel records and military stone requests were important tools.  These comprehensive details have not been published anywhere before now, as this is my unique research and compilation.  It is my gift to the people and veterans of Merrimack, and a continuation of my grandmother’s work.  It is also personal–two of my great-uncle’s names are carved into the monument.

“WORLD WAR I: 1917-1918 [by Mattie Kilborn Webster]

Merrimack NH (in front of the
Soldier’s monument) probably in 1919,
either Memorial (Decoration) Day
or the 4th of July. 
Photograph by Kimberly Coutts,
used with permission.

In 1917 when the War began the mothers who have sent their sons to World War II were sending their brothers and sweethearts to World War I. We as a people had been living under the comforting delusion that “it could not happen here” and forthwith had elected as our President, that great “Idealist” Woodrow Wilson on the slogan “He Kept Us Out of War.”

But soon the United States was to learn one of its most valuable lessons –that any nation founded on Democracy cannot indefinitely sit back and see that Democracy threatened and assailed in any other part of the world. And so, after War was declared, we find the “youth” of this Town rising to the occasion and answering “The Call to the Colors” with the same enthusiasm and patriotism as they had always exhibited in previous wars.

They went to Milford to enlist, Charles Emerson being one of the Recruiting Officers [Editor’s note: David Jones was the primary registrar for enlistment]. We women played our part as we are doing in the recent war. We hung a service flag in the window with its stars 1-2- 3, and the Red Cross flag beside it. We sewed for the destitute of Europe particularly the Belgians. A large number took courses in home nursing sponsored by the Red Cross. We raised our Victory Gardens and conserved our food – that was the beginning of the cold-pack method of canning for the home, and the University sent out instructors to teach us how to do it, so that we might save much of the garden we had tended.

Soldiers and Sailors Monument,
Baboosic Lake Road, Merrimack
NH (across from town hall) as it
looks today. Photograph property of
this blog’s editor.

In that War we had to learn to use substitutes, although we were not rationed, in that we were short of sugar, wheat flour and many other things. We had our Thrift stamps and our Liberty Bond drive. It was the last Bond drive (I believe) which subscribed was raised in full, in about 20 minutes from the time it was opened in the Town Hall. Merrimack being the first Town in New England to report having “Gone over the top.” How proud we were the next morning when we read about it in headlines of the daily paper.

They (“The Boys”) went from this town 47 strong, won high praise for their gallantry and high qualities. It was largely a “Yankee Crew,” a name with a good reputation of long standing for good military conduct with a rich heritage of martial tradition. Time and again in the field of action, they achieved what the Veteran French has thought to be impossible. In mud and water-filled trenches, amid cloud of poison gas, struggling through barbed wire entanglements, they performed their duties with skill and endurance.

Many came back home with bravery citations, bearing the scars of many wounds and some with the Cross-de-guerre. They add another chapter to the military history of this Town and their deeds rank well with those who fought in the Civil War and at Bunker Hill. The two who made the supreme sacrifice were James Herbert Ferguson and Gilbert Duncan Fraser.

1919 scene in Merrimack NH, either Memorial
Day or 4th of July. Baboosic Lake Road across
from the current Town Hall (you can see the
soldier’s monument). Courtesy Kimberly Coutts.

I remember Jimmy well. He went to school with me. He was the little boy who sat in the front seat, freckle-faced with a shock of red hair that was always combed but never stayed that way. Jimmy was so responsive, with a warm heart and a ready smile. Whenever I gave Jimmy an assignment he would look up and say “But Miss Kilborn, you know very well that is altogether too hard for me.” I would always reply, “Yes, Jimmy, but one can always try.” And Jimmy always tried. Our ways parted and I forgot about Jimmy until some time later I met him one day. Uncle Sam had made a fighting man out of him. He had straightened Jimmy’s thin shoulders, filled out the hollows in his cheeks. He had put a new firm spring in his step, and a new gleam of confidence in his eye. He went to War and word came back that he would never return. Once more Jimmy had tried, and he had performed the biggest task. He had given his life to this Country that last deep measure of devotion that Democracy might live.

– Fraser, Gilbert Duncan |
Private | Killed in Action, 12
June 1918, Belleau France

Then there was Duncan. He had the making of a good service man from the start. In school Duncan’s mind ran clear and true; orders never had to be repeated and never any confusion when he carried them out. Duncan had a sharp, orderly mind. He could think accurately and also had a great capacity for work. He was trustworthy and careful about all he did. One day, one unfortunate day, he was spotted by the enemy and shot down by a machine gun in the Belleau Woods. From a report of the battle of Belleau Wood by George Pattulip as published in the Saturday Evening Post, August 31, 1918: “Early in the fighting of June 13th Pvt. Gilbert D. Fraser, 18th Co., 5th Reg., U.S. Marines was shot through the stomach. In spite of the agony he suffered he kept up a steady fire against a machine gun, yelling lustily the while for more ammunition until he dropped unconscious.” The stone on the family lot in the Cemetery yonder bears this inscription: Gilbert Duncan Fraser | 18th Co. 5th Regiment | Shot Down in the Battle of Belleau Woods.

Right side of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument
in Merrimack NH. SEE Base for partial listing of
WWI veterans. Photograph by Janice W. Brown.
(For those with a paranormal interest, notice the
ghost orbs).

Two trees were set out on our Church lawn; one for Duncan and one for Jimmy; and Fraser Square on the lower part of the Village was named for Duncan. They may sleep in hallowed graves, which are carefully tended by the grateful French women who breathe a prayer with every flower they lay on their last resting places.

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Back of the Soldiers & Sailors Monument in
Merrimack NH. WWI names engraved at the
base. Photograph by Janice W. Brown.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
(Poem By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army)

[end of my grandmother’s historical presentation].

Initially erected in May 1892 the four sides of the Soldiers & Sailor’s monument show the names of Merrimack New Hampshire residents who fought in various wars including the American Revolution, War of 1812-1815, Civil War, Mexican War, and Spanish War.  On September 19, 1925 the Nashua Telegraph announced that the names of men from Merrimack who served their country during the late war [WWI] would in the near future be engraved upon the soldiers and sailors monument. The committee in charge included Charles F. Young, Franklin L. Haseltine and John Wright. These names were engraved on the base of the monument on three sides (right left and back facing the soldier from Baboosic Lake Road).

Left side of Soldiers & Sailors
monument, Merrimack NH. WWI
engraving at base. Photograph by
Janice W. Brown.

Heroes of Merrimack NH
(TWO died during WWI)


The names of those from Merrimack who served in the military (other than Ferguson and Fraser) are not mentioned in my grandmother’s notes, however I have been able to glean these names from not only the memorial itself, but from various newspapers, adjutant-general lists and military travel papers. The newspapers list the names of 44 men, my grandmother’s notes state the number 47, and I have found 54 soldiers.  In previous WWI stories I only detail the names of the heroes who died. Because I call Merrimack my home, and because this biographical list is not readily available anywhere else, I am publishing it here for the first time.

Note: The names of Bertram E. Clark, Edward W. Hills, Frederick W. Jones, Thomas H. McVeigh, and Patrick F. O’Leary do not appear on Merrimack’s Soldier’s & Sailor’s Monument though they probably should.  You will find the details of their service below.

This legend shows some sources of the name and details provided in the following list.
[A] WWI Roll of Honor, Doric Hall, State House, Concord NH
[B] Adjutant General’s List of Killed in Action from New Hampshire
[C] Adjutant General’s Military Records, 1631-1976 [Maine and New Hampshire]
[D] June 10, 1919 Nashua Telegraph newspaper story listing Merrimack NH soldiers, see entire story in the ✪Footnotes✪ section.
[E] Other newspaper articles reporting on military from Merrimack
[F] U.S. Army Transport Service records
[G] Gold Star Mothers of Massachusetts
[H] U.S. Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, FamilySearch
[I] Death Certificate providing military or death information
[J] United States Passport documents
[K] Canadian Military documents (online)
[L] Newspaper notice: enlisted in the NH National Guard in July of 1916. The men listed
probably remained in service when the NHNG was converted to a federal army unit. [See transcription in Footnote A].
[M] Name inscribed on the base of the Soldier’s & Sailors monument, Baboosic Lake Road, Merrimack, New Hampshire, opposite the town hall and offices.  The right, back and left sides are inscribed.
* Photograph or likeness provided or available
[#] Numbers refer to a biography following the list with additional information on a particular soldier.
[Bold] Died during WWI

Ephraim Bartlett. Photograph from his
1921 passport.

– Austin, William S. | Seaman1C | U.S. Navy | Stationed in the Azores during WWI | Died 22 December 1920 from accidental drowning, buried Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH | [D][E][M][1]
– Bartlett, Ephraim* | Private | -th Service Co. Signal Corps, U.S. Army | Died 1962 buried Last Rest Cemetery | [D][M][2]
– Black, Nelson W.* | Private | Canadian Expeditionary Forces,  1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment CEF, discharged 25 March 1918 in consequence of re-enlisting in Royal Flying Corps | He died 10 April 1980 in Nashua NH, buried Edgewood Cemetery | [D][M][3]
– Burroughs, Carl F. | P1C | 154th Co. T.C., 1st Grand Div. A.T.S.  | Shipped to Europe on 31 August 1918 from Camp Humphreys VA, returned from France on 16 Sep 1919 | Died September 1970 Manchester NH | [D][F][M][4]
– Burroughs,  Fred Curtis | military service unknown, except that he was a member of the Massachusetts National Guard for 6 months prior to June 5, 1917 | Died 14 February 1939 in Manchester NH | Buried Barnstead NH [M][4-B]
– Burroughs, Guy | Private | Camp Devens Detachment, 147th Infantry | Returned from France on 10 Mar 1919 | Died 17 May 1966 at his home in South Merrimack NH  [D][F][M][5]
– Callbeck, Arthur F. | Corporal | Co. K, 47th Infantry | Departed France for U.S. on 16 Jul 1919| [D][F][M][6]
– Caldwell, Phillip L. | 1st Lieut. | Aviation Section, Signal Corps, U.S. Army | Died 13 May 1972 Sarasota FL | [D][M][7]
– Caswell, Wallace L. | served in U.S. military (unit and rank unknown) from Feb 1918 to Nov 1918| He died 31 October 1963 in Brandon, Rutland Co. VT. Burial in Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester NH [D][M][8]
– Caswell, Wilbur F. | served in U.S. military (unit and rank unknown) | Died on 4 June 1973 in Rutland VT, buried Pine Grove Cemetery Manchester NH | [D][M][9]
– Center, Leon F. | Sergeant | Co. D. 103rd Infantry Regiment | Returned from France 28 Mar 1919 | Died 20 June 1960 in Manchester NH and is buried in Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH  | [D][F][L][M][10]
– Clark, Bertram E. | P1C | Battalion A, 33rd Artillery, C.A.C. | Died 29 April 1932, Buried in Last Rest Cemetery | Service attributed to Massachusetts | [11]
– Corning, Carl B. | Served in the U.S. military (unit and rank unknown)| He died 21 August 1934 in Manchester, NH | buried Centre Cemetery in Wareham MA  | [D][M][12]
– Cross, Edward A. | Served in the U.S. Army,  enlisting on 19 Sep 1918 and released on 6 December 1918 | He died 10 October 1977 in Merrimack NH | [D][M][13]
– Culver, Arthur | Served in the U.S. Army, enlisting 5 Nov 1917 and was discharged 21 June 1919 | He died 25 Jan 1976 Orange Co. FL | Buried  Chapel Hill Cemetery, Orlando, Orange Co. FL. | [M][13-B]

Arthur F. Dichard in uniform
during WWI. Photograph
courtesy of Thomas Jacques,
used here with his permission.

– Dichard, Arthur F. | Private | Machine Gun Troop,  2nd Cavalry | Departed for France on 22 Mar 1918 | Died July 27 1963 buried in Saint Ignatius Cemetery, Sanford Maine | Service attributed to Maine | [D][F][M][14]
— Eaton, Arthur  H. | [D][M][15] Seeking information.
— Emerson, Charles E. | unknown rank and unit | Died November 1965 in Newburyport MA | [D][M][16]
Ferguson, James H. |Private | Died of Disease, 13 May 1918 France |  Co. M., 103d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division | St. Mihiel American Cemetery, France |  [A][D][E][M][17]
– Flanders, Luther C. | – | 197th Field Artillery, NH National Guard, enlisted July 1916 | [D][L][M][18]
– Follansbee, Jesse  | Private | Co B, 316 Engineers, 91st Div. | Died 16 August 1954, buried Welwood Murray Cemetery, Palm Springs CA | [D][M][19]
– Foskett, Earle L. | Corporal | 152nd Depot Brigade (NY National Guard) | [D][M][20]
– Foote, Harold T. | — | U.S. Army from  9 Dec 1917 to 15 Dec 1918 | Died 17 October 1981 in Detroit, Michigan | [D][M][21]
Fraser, Gilbert Duncan* | Private | Killed in Action, 12 June 1918, Belleau France| 5th USMC Regiment, 2nd Division | Aisne-Marne American Cemetery | Cenotaph in Last Rest Cemetery | Awarded the Croix de Guerre | Fraser Square (Merrimack NH)  named in his honor | Credited to Massachusetts | [A][D][G][M][22]
– Grant, Edward C. | Fireman 3C | U.S. Navy | Died 26 October 1977 Nashua NH| [D][M] [23]
– Greenleaf, Richard J. |PFC| Co. D. 103rd Infantry Regiment | Died 19 April 1969 Nashua NH | Buried Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack| [D][M][24]
– Hadley, Oliver E. | Private | Co. K, 59th Infantry Regiment | Returned from France 24 Jul 1919 | Died February 1980 in Merrimack NH | Buried in Westlawn Cemetery, Goffstown NH | [D][F][M][25]

Franklin Lowell Haseltine

– Haseltine, Franklin L.* | Wagoner | Battery A, 66th Artillery, C.A.C.| Returned from France 17 Feb 1919 | Died 31 August 1981 VA Hospital Manchester NH | Buried Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH [D][F][M][26]
– Hazelton, Paul H. |[D][M][27].
– Hills, Edward W. | P1C | Co. B, 504th Engineer Battalion | He enlisted 3 November 1917, returned from France  28 May 1919 | [F][28]
– Hock, Henry H. | U.S. Army | enlisted 31 May 1918 and was discharged on 19 Dec 1918 | Died 30 May 1982 in Merrimack NH |[E][M][28-B]
– Hutchinson, Raymond W. | unknown rank and service| [D][M][29]
– Johnson, Arthur S. | Private | Co.H, 103 US Infantry | Departed for France 25 Sep 1917 |  [D][F][L][M][30]
– Jones, Frederick W. | P1C | Section 525 U.S. Army Ambulance Service with French Army | Departed for France 22 Aug 1917, Departed for U.S. from France 13 Apr 1919  | [F][31]
– Kilborn, Albert P.* | 56th Spruce Squadron, Vancouver WA | He died 3 January 1948 in Waterbury CT, buried Riverside Cemetery, Waterbury CT | [D][M][32]
– Kilborn, Henry R.*  | United States Army WWI and WWII | Buried in California |  [D][M][33]
– Kittredge, Walter W. |U.S. Army | enlisted 10 October 1918 and was released 10 December 1918 | [D][M][34]
– Martinkus, Frank | P1C | Army, Co. B, 58th Infantry, 4th Div. | Died 9 November 1936 Goffstown NH, buried Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack | [D][M][35]
Martinkus, Peter | Private | U.S. Army Co F, 36th Infantry, 12th Division | Died 3 December 1959 Florida, buried Magnolia Cemetery, Orange Park FL | [D][M][36]
McVeigh, Thomas H | Corporal | Co. F 308th Infantry | Departed France for U.S. on 19 Apr 1919 | Credited to Nashua NH | [F][37]
– Myshrall, Merton E. | U.S. Navy | Enlisted 12 April 1917, Discharged 23 Dec 1918 | Died 1 November 1987 Catskill, Greene Co NY | Buried in Forest City International Cemetery, Forest City, York Co., New Brunswick, Canada|[D][M][38]
– Norton, Omer | Private | 76th Spruce Squadron, Vancouver Barracks WA |[D][M][39]
– O’Leary, Patrick F. | Private | M Co, 314th Infantry, 79th Division, NA | [F][40]
– Patterson, Horace P. | Corporal | U.S. Army, Section 9, Group C, Repair Unit 322, MTC | Died  23 Dec 1980 Concord NH, buried Reeds Graveyard Merrimack NH | [D][F][M][41]
– Rose, Edward C.* | Major | 350th Infantry, 88th Division Sep 15, 1918 to May 21, 1919 | Died 4 Nov 1967 in Beach Army Hospital, Palo Pinto TX, buried U.S. Military Academy Cemetery, West Point | [D][E][I][42]
– Shonyo, Henry Arthur | service unknown | possibly Private in Co. L NH Guard in 1920 | He died between 20 June 1960 and 18 Jan 1977.  [M][42-B]
– Stoddard, Walter A. | 2nd Lieut. | 817th Depot, Aero Squad | Died 21 August 1977 Elkland PA, buried Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH | [D][H][I][43]
– Siahos, Arthur T. | U.S. Army unknown unit | [D][M][44]
– Tremblay, Bertram | Co. D. 103rd Regiment | Died 29 July 1976 in Santa Clara California | [D][L][M][45]
– Tremblay, Joseph A. | U.S. Army, unknown unit | Died Nov 14, 1987 in Weare NH, buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Weare NH | WWI marker on grave | [D][M][46]
– Tremblay, Louis E. | unknown unit and service | He died 12 January 1961 | [D][M][47]
– Tremblay, Managill | Sergeant| Co. D. 1st Dev Battalion 151 Army Depot Brigade | Departed U.S. for France 27 Sep 1917 | Accidentally drowned shortly after return home on 11 July 1919,  buried St. Augustin Cemetery, Manchester NH| [D][H][L][M][48]
– Tremblay, Wilfred | P1C | Co. D, 309th Infantry 78th Division | Departed France for U.S. on 14 May 1919 | [D][F][M][49]
– Valley, Wilfred A. | Private |Co. E,  303 Engineers, USNA | Departed U.S. for France 27 May 1918 | [D][F][M][50]

The blog editor’s great-uncle, Albert Plummer
Kilborn (1887-1948). He served in the 56th
Spruce Squadron during WWI. Photo property of J.W. Brown


[1] William Stewart Austin was born 8 October 1896, son of Perley E. & Melissa H. “Millie” (Higgins) Austin. His father was a “traveling salesman” per his birth record. In 1900 the family was living in Manchester NH. In 1910 he was living with his parents in Londonderry NH. The Nashua Telegraph of Nov 5, 1919 shows news in Merrimack: “Stewart Austin, first-class seaman, U.S.N. who has been stationed for the past year in the Azores, received his honorable discharged from the navy last week and is now at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. P.E. Austin.”  William Stewart Austin died from an accidental drowning on 22 December 1920 in Horseshoe Pond, Merrimack NH, due to thin ice. He is buried in Last Rest Cemetery. The Nashua Telegraph of Dec 22, 1920 (pp 1,5)an had the headline: “Nashua Police Rush to Aid in Horseshoe Pond Drowning. Stewart Austin, Popular Young Man Who Served with Marines During War, Victim–Body Recovered. Stewart Austin of Merrimack was drowned in Horseshoe Pond in that town early this afternoon. He was skating on the thin ice and about 20 feet from the shore when the ice broke and he was drawn under after a desperate attempt to get to the shore. The news spread like wild fire through the town and a large crowd quickly gathered. A message was quickly phones to the Nashua police station and Inspector Burleigh Fletcher hurried to the pond with the pulmotor, stopping for Dr. William E. Reed on the way. Austin’s body was finally rescued from the icy pond just as the doctor and the pulmotor arrived, and every effort made to resuscitate him, but in vain. He was 24 years of age and one of the most popular young men in the town, and an ex-service man having a fine war record in the marine service. He was employed at Fiske Bros. grocery store, and was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Perley Austin. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Grange, and was an officer of the American Legion post of Merrimack. He was unmarried and survived by his parents. The scene of the accident was on the western curve of the pond, some distance below the summer camp of Dr. Reed. The water at this point is about 15 feet in depth. Mr. Austin’s dog was on the ice with him and went into the water. The dog’s barking and efforts to get out attracted the attention from the highway. David Jones, well known in this city, got the dog out of the water, and with the aid of a long grappling iron finally succeeded in bringing young Austin’s body to the surface. Every effort was made by the medical referee and officers to bring the body back to life but to no avail. the body was in the water approximately an hour. ”  He was buried in Last Rest Cemetery per his death certificate.
[2] Ephraim Bartlett was born 14 July 1889 in Barford, County Warwick, England the son of James & Elizabeth (Chandler) Bartlett. He had siblings Annie, Arthur, Charlies, Frederick and Florence Elizabeth. The 1930 census shows he immigrated about 1907 to the U.S. In 1917 he lived in Reeds Ferry, a woodworker for Fessenden & Lowell. He indicated he had already filed his first set of papers toward U.S. citizenship at that time (1917). He was of medium height, slender stature with blue eyes and light hair. His passport of 1939 indicates the following: “Honorable discharge No. 2784855 Private, -th Service Co. Signal Corps, United States Army, dated October 16, 1918. Soldier Naturalized at Camp Alfred Vail, N.J. Aug 27, 1918.” His SSDI shows a life claim on 11 January 1957. In 1920 he lived in Merrimack NH boarding with Annie L. Hill, a widow. He was a pail maker in a cooperage. In 1927 he is living on Main Street, Reeds Ferry NH a poulterer with wife Eva M. Also in 1927 the Nashua Telegraph announces: “Reeds Ferry–Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Bartlett have as their guests for a few days, their niece Miss Margaret Alexander of Braintree, Mass. In 1940 living in Merrimack NH with wife Eva. He indicates he finished high school, and current occupation was poultryman. He m. Eva — abt 1922. She was b. abt 1898 in England. He lived in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack NH when he registered for the WW2 Draft in 1942.  The Bartlett-Longa tombstone in Last Rest Cemetery shows: –BARTLETT- Ephraim 1889-1962, his wife Eva M. 1891-1976. -LONGA- James E. 1914-2007, his wife Gertrude W. 1918-1980.”

Nelson Whitfield Black wearing his Canadian military uniform. Photograph courtesy of his great-grand daughter, Lynn Carol Evans. Used with permission.

[3] Nelson Whitfield Black, b. 2 Aug 1891 in Sussex, N.B. Canada, son of John & Lucinda (Young) Black. [John Black of Island Falls, Maine (1917).]  Nelson immigrated to the United States about 1892. He married on 6 April 1915 in Manhattan NYC to Gertrude May Schneider, dau of Walter W. & Elizabeth (McCombs) Schneider.   She was born 22 June 1895 in Merrimack NH, and was a graduate of McGaw Institute in Merrimack. She died 1 April 1983 in Bedford NH. After his marriage and during WWI they lived in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack.  After the War ended, they moved to Nashua. In 1930 living on E. Tolles Street (38) in Nashua NH with wife Gertrude M. (35), and children, Nelson W.J. (age 15) and Marion Augusta (age 13). He became a naturalized citizen but served in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces, [enlisted 4 Feb 1918, notice to US April 2, 1918]. He served as a Private in the First Depot Battalion First Quebec Regiment CEF, discharged 25 March 1918 in consequence of re-enlisting in Royal Flying Corps. On Dec 1918, at age 27 yrs, he was discharged as soldier at Camp Booden, Ontario, Canada, and returned to the United States via Newport, VT. His Canadian records show he stood 5 ft 7 inches tall with medium complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair. Occupation Machine Tender. On 2 Sep 1942 he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. In 1942 he lived in Nashua and worked for the Nashua Brass Company, East Hollis St., Nashua and lived at 10 Copp St. Nashua. He died 10 April 1980 in Nashua NH.  OBITUARY (Nashua Telegraph April 9, 1980) NELSON W. BLACK, 88, of 57 Tyler Street died Monday in a local Hospital after a brief illness. A resident of this city for many years, Mr. Black had been employed with Nashua Brass Company for over 40 years, serving as a foreman previous to his retirement in 1966. Born in Waterford, New Brunswick, Canada on August 2, 1891, he was the son of John and Lucinda (Young) Black. Prior to coming to Nashua, Mr. Black has resided in Island Falls, Maine. He married Gertrude May Schneider of Merrimack on April 6, 1915, last Sunday marking their 65th wedding anniversary. He held membership in The Pilgrim Congregational Church. Members of his family include his wife, Mrs. Gertrude (May)[sic] Black, a son, Nelson W. Black Jr. of Bremerton, Wash.; two daughters, Mrs. Marion (Black) Small of Nashua and Mrs. Richard (Winona) Rock of Brunswick, Maine; ten grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Kneeland of Lincoln Maine and Mrs. Annie Melenson of Fitchburg, Mass; several nephews, nieces and cousins. They are both buried in Edgewood Cemetery, Nashua, NH.
[4] Carl Frank Burroughs was born 6 November 1899 in Merrimack NH, son of Wesley A. & Ella M. (Adams) Burroughs. His siblings were Bert, Fred and Guy Burroughs (see #5 below), and Mabel F. who married John E. Reed and resided in Merrimack NH. (They had a daughter Isabel).  Carl Frank Burroughs served as a Private First Class during WWI in the 154th Co. T.C. 1st Grand Division, A.T.S. (American Transport Service) [the Manchester online database says he served in Co. A 3rd Engineers how official military transport states the previous assignment]. He was shipped to Europe on 31 August 1918 from Camp Humphreys VA and returned home from France arriving in the U.S. on 26 September 1919. Carl Frank Burroughs married first on 1 January 1922 in Merrimack NH to Helen Gertrude Bishop, daughter of Harry E. & Annie J. (Newhall) Bishop. She was b. 2 April 1905 in Freemont NH and d. 3 November 1936 in Manchester NH, buried Pine Grove Cemetery. He married 2nd on 22 November 1942 in Merrimack NH to Stella Aglahay Langerie-Dorr, daughter of Fred & Emma (Monbleau) Langerie. Carl F. Burroughs died in September 1970 in Manchester NH.
[4-B] Fred Curtis Burroughs aka Frederick Alfuice Burroughs was born 19 May 1889 in Merrimack, New Hampshire son and third child of Wesley A. & Ella M. (Adams) Burroughs. In June of 1917 he completed his WWI registration form from the town of Revere, Massachusetts. At that time worked as a wood polisher, and had served in the MA State Militia for 3 weeks previously. He was married, of medium height, slender stature with blue eyes and black hair. He married 1st) 18 April 1913 in Malden MA to Anna M. Johnson, daughter of Nils & Anna (Johnson) Johnson; As a widower he m2d) 1 May 1937 in Merrimack NH to Amy Myrtle Ackerman-Pothoff, daughter of Arthur & Clara E. (Berry) Ackerman. He died 14 February 1939 at Notre Dame Hospital in Manchester, New Hampshire, of lobar pneumonia. As was common in winter his body was placed in the Valley Tomb. On 6 May 1939 his body was transported to Barnstead, New Hampshire where he was buried.  Other than that he served in the Massachusetts National Guard for a few months I have been unable to determine his military service. His name is not listed in the newspaper story honoring WWI veterans, however his name is found on the Merrimack Soldier & Sailors monument.
[5] Guy Herman Burroughs was born 1 Nov 1894 in Manchester NH, son of Wesley A. & Ella M. (Adams) Burroughs.  He had siblings Bert, Fred, Carl F. (see #4 above) and Mabel F. who married John E. Reed and resided in Merrimack.  He served in the U.S. Army during WWI, 47th Infantry, Camp Devens Detachment.  He married 18 Aug 1919 in Merrimack NH to Elizabeth Ora “Lizzie” Flanders, daughter of Warren C. & Eva L. (Presby) Flanders. She was b. in Henniker NH, and died 6 October 1957. They resided in South Merrimack NH. He died 17 May 1966 in South Merrimack NH.  The Nashua Telegraph of May 18, 1966 published: “GUY H. BURROUGHS, SOUTH MERRIMACK–Guy Herman Burroughs, 71, of Camp Sargent Rd was found dead in his home yesterday afternoon. Medical referee, Dr. John D. Spring, attributed death to natural causes. Mr. Burroughs was born in Manchester, Nov 1 1894, son of Wesley and Ella (Adams) Burroughs. An Army veteran of World War I, he was a member of the James E. Coffey post, American Legion, Nashua. Survivors include one brother, Carl Burroughs of Bedford, this state; also several nieces, nephews and cousins. The George R. Rivet funeral home of Merrimack is in charge of arrangements.”
[6] Arthur Franklin Callbeck was born 2 January 1895 in East Boston, MA son of William H. & Annie E. (Olsen) Callbeck. In 1910 he was living in Boston MA with his parents and siblings Percy H. and Chester W. In 1917 he was living in the Thornton’s Ferry section of Merrimack NH when he completed his WWI Registration form. He was single and working for the B&M Railroad. He was of medium height and weight with black hair and black eyes. During WII he served in Co. , 47th Infantry, U.S. Army.  Military records show that he departed France on a ship for the U.S. on 16 Jul 1919. In 1924 he was married and living in Somerville MA. In 1935 he was Commander of Stoneham (MA) Post No 115, American Legion. He married Leta L. Bennett, daughter of Whitfield & Mary (Reid) Bennett, b. 30 July 1896 in Somerville MA and d. Dec 1980. He was a mason, member of Noddle’s Island Lodge, and when he moved to Florida in 1962 became affiliated with Nitram Lodge No. 188 there, and in 1978 Grand Lodge, Florida.
[7] Phillip Lord Caldwell was born 1 November 1888 in Lynn MA, son of Daniel A. & Ellen Frances (Griffin) Caldwell. In 1917 he registered for the WWI draft on 3 June 1917 from Merrimack NH where he lived on Main Street, a furniture manufacturer (owner). He was single and reported that previously he had spent 1 year as a corporal in the infantry, Mass. Inst. Tech. He was of medium height, slender with blue eyes and brown hair. His SAR application states that he served as a 1st Lieut in the Aviation Section, Signal Corps. U.S. Army Reserve from July 1917 to August 1918, also Captain, Army Air Service, U.S. Army Reserve from August 1918 to December 1918. In 1942 (from WWII Registration card) he was living at 416 Fowler Ave, Pelham NY working for Robertson Paper Box Co., married. He married 1st) 11 May 1918 to Catharine Wells. She d. 21 Dec 1930. He m2d) 4 Jan 1933 to Barbara Bullard. He had 3 children, Philip Lord Caldwell (b 10 Nov 1920 Pelham NY), Gardiner Caldwell, b 4 May 1924, killed in service 19 May 1944; and Robert Lord Caldwell, b. 22 June 1935 Pelham NY. According to his SSDI he died 13 May 1972 in Sarasota FL.
[8] Wallace Leland Caswell was b 4 March 1895 in Manchester NH son of Brainard S. & Mary F. (Sanford) Caswell. He had sibings George S., Arthur B., Chester W., Edwin S., Mary E., Wilbur F [see #8 below], Florence M., and Mildred C. In 1900 the family lived in Lakeville, Plymouth Co. MA. In 1910 they were in Middleborough MA. In June of 1917 Wallace completed his WWI Registration form indicating he was living in Reeds Ferry, Merrimack NH, working in farming (proprietor) and single. He was of medium height and stature with hazel eyes and dark hair. His death records shows he served in the military in WWI (rank and unit not stated) from Feb 1918 to Nov 1918. In 1930 he was living with his father and sister Mary E in Merrimack NH. By 1947 he was living in West Danville VT. He died 31 October 1963 in Brandon, Rutland Co. VT. Burial in Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester NH.
[9] Wilbur Forrest Caswell was born 4 March 1895 in Manchester New Hampshire, son of Brainard S. & Mary F. (Sanford) Caswell, and brother to Wallace L. Caswell (#8 see above). He filled out his WWI registration form in June of 1917, living in Reeds Ferry NH, a farmer employed by Charles H. Fields. He was single, of medium height and weight, with brown eyes and dark hair. He served during WWI, unknown unit, but he is on the published list of former military from Merrimack NH. The US Dept of Veterans Affairs shows his enlistment date: 2 Mar 1918; and release Date: 5 Feb 1919.  He married 1st) 1 January 1923 in Merrimack NH to Edith M. Peaslee, daughter of Bert L. & Mary L. (Foster) Peaslee. By 1930 he was divorced and living in Bedford NH with his daughter, Florence M. Caswell aged 6 (b abt 1924 NH). They also had a son Forrest W. Caswell (b 3 Feb 1927). He married 2nd 30 Sep 1839 in Manchester NH to Aline Emma Langevin, daughter of Fred & Emma (Monbleau) Langevin. By 1942 when he filled out his WW2 Registration form he was living in Bedford NH with a Merrimack mailing address and telephone exchange. By 1949 the newspapers list him as being from “northern Vermont” and visiting his father in Merrimack NH. His death record calls him “Wilbur William Caswell” indicating he died 4 June 1973 in the Rutland Hospital, Rutland VT. Burial in Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester NH.
[10] Leon Frank Center was b 27 Sep 1897 in Merrimack NH, son of Frank Howard & Ella A. (Dunn/Dunham) Center. In 1910 he was living with his parents on Bedford Road in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack NH. During WWI he served as a Corporal and later a Sergeant in Co D, 103rd Infantry Regiment. He left for France on 27 Sep 1917 and returned to the U.S. on 28 March 1919. For some years he was a police officer for the Town of Merrimack NH. In 1930 he was 2nd Lieut. of the Merrimack Fire Company. He married 28 July 1920 in Manchester NH to Mabel Agnes Beard, daughter of Morris C. & Agnes (Stone) Beard. In 1940 living in Merrimack NH with wife, daughter Kay Agnes Center (age 8) and daughter Evelyn E. (Center) Spooner (age 19) and her husband, Porter H. Spooner. Kay Agnes Center later married 16 June 1951 to Clarence Elmore Patten Jr. They had an infant son Leon who died in infancy. Leon Frank Center died 20 June 1960 in Manchester NH and is buried in Last Rest Cemetery. OBITUARY from Nashua Telegraph of 21 June 1960, Tuesday, page 2. LEON F. CENTER. Reeds Ferry–Leon F. Center of Harris st and a native of this town died last night at a Manchester hospital after a long illness. He was the son of the late Frank and Ella (Dunham) Center and was a veteran of World War I, USA. He was a member of the Merrimack Congregational Church, American Legion Sweeney Post of Manchester, and of the Souhegan Lodge, IOOF, Reeds Ferry. For many years he was employed by the International Tannery in Merrimack until his retirement about nine years ago. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Patten and Mrs. Kay A. Patten; five grandchildren, Leon P. Spooner, Pearl A. Spooner, Perry B. Spooner, Leon A. Patten and Donna K. Patten all of Reeds Ferry; one sister Mrs. Edith Kohanski of East Jaffrey; several nieces, nephews and cousins .…”
[11] Bertram Eugene “Bert” Clark was born 19 August 1891 in Merrimack NH, son of Sarrell Eugene & Marcella T. “Marcia” “Hannah” (Dow) Clark. [marr rec says Martha Whitmore]. By 1900 his family had moved to Lowell MA where his father worked as an operative for a hosiery manufacturing company. Bertram had siblings Alice M., Lila E, and Walter E. Bertram filled out his WWI Registration form in Lowell MA on 5 June 1917. At that time he was living at 2 Lane Court Street in Lowell MA, working as a decorator for J. Alfred Pinard. He was married and had 2 children. He described himself as being tall and of medium stature, with blue eyes and brown hair. In 1932 a military headstone application was completed that gives insight into his WWI military service. That card states that he was a Private First Class, serving in Battalion A, 33rd Artillery, C.A.C., and that he died on 29 April 1932, being buried at Last Rest Cemetery in Merrimack, NH. Allison Clark completed the request form for the marker. He married 20 Nov 1911 in Lowell MA to Evelyn M. “Eva” Dunbar, daughter of John & Elizabeth (Label) Dunbar. She was born ab 1894 in Canada. They had children Irene (1912), Elizabeth (1913) Lillia (b c 1914) and Richard “Warren.”
[12] Carl Balis/Baylis Corning was born 10 April 1889 in Marlboro MA, son of Clarence A. & Grace (Caswell) Corning. He completed his WWI Registration form on June 5, 1917 in Merrimack, as he was living in the Reeds Ferry section of the town. At that time he worked as an electrical wireman for Farrell Brothers. He describes himself as short and slender, with brown hair and black eyes. Based on the newspaper list, he served in the military during WWI. He died 21 August 1934 in Manchester, NH, suddenly at the corner of So. Main & Woodbury Streets, probably from heart problems. Occupation: electrician, single. He was buried in Centre Cemetery, Wareham MA.
[13] Edwin aka Edward Adrian Cross, born 29 October 1892 in Somerville Massachusetts, son of Joel Foster & Christine (McPherson) Cross. In June of 1917 when he completed his WWI registration form, he was a tool setter for Pachard Fuse Co., his address being Merrimack NH. At that time he was of medium height, slender build with brown eyes and light hair. According to the US Dept of Veterans affairs, he served in the U.S. Army enlisting on 19 Sep 1918 and released on 6 December 1918. He lived in Merrimack NH, Lexington MA. He died in October of 1977 in Merrimack NH. He was the nephew of Emma Cross, long time librarian of Merrimack NH [Edward’s father Joel was brother to Emma]. OBITUARY, Nashua Telegraph newspaper, 11 October 1977. MERRIMACK–Edward A. Cross, 34, of Loop Road, died last night at his home after a long illness. He was the husband of Mrs. Rhoda (Horne) Cross of Merrimack. He was born in Somerville, Mass October 29, 1892 the son of Joel F. and Christine (McPherson) Cross and had been a lifelong resident of this community. Before his retirement he was a machinist by trade and also had been a service manager for several area automobile agencies. Mr. Cross was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. He was a member of the Souhegan Lodge No. 98, International Order of Odd Fellows, a charter member of the Merrimack Volunteer Fire Department and a 1910 graduate of McGaw High School. Besides his wife, he leaves one son, Edward A. Cross Jr., two granddaughters, Deborah and Audrey Cross, and one grandson Jonathan Cross, all of Merrimack.
[13-B] Arthur Culver was born 7 Jan 1895 in Westfield MA, son of Albert & Mary E. (Cleary) Culver. In 1917 he registered for the WWI Draft in Larimer County Colorado. At that time he was living at Estes Park CO, a laundryman for the Y.M.C.A. He was single. He enlisted U.S. Army 5 Nov 1917 and was discharged 21 June 1919. Arthur married 14 August 1922 in Charlestown NH to Rena E. Wilson, daughter of William & Ellen (Resor) Wilson. In 1942 he was living in Merrimack, New Hampshire.He died 25 Jan 1976 in Orange Co. FL and is buried at Chapel Hill Cemetery,  Orlando, Orange Co. FL.

Arthur F. Dichard’s WWI medal (for NH
service) and his veteran’s hat. Photograph by
Thomas Jacques and used here with his

[14] Arthur F. Dichard, son of Frank & Lillian Ellen (Hildreth) Dichard was born 26 January 1892 in Lowell MA [recorded there though later records indicate he was born in New Hampshire]. In 1900 he can be found living in Merrimack with his family, parents and sibling Charles Henry Dichard. He grew up in Merrimack NH and attended school there. His grandson, Thomas Jacques provided the following information: “enlisted from Merrimack NH 19 April 1917. Sent to Fort Ethan Allen VT. Left Ft. Ethan Allen, VT Sunday March 17 1918.” He served during WWI as a Private First Class in Machine Gun Troop 2, U.S. Cavalry. Military transport records show that he shipped out to Europe on 22 March 1918. After his return home, in 1920 he was again living with his parents in Merrimack NH on Railroad Street working in a leather mill factory. By 1930 he was married and living in Sanford, York Co., Maine. He married Rose Ann Arsenault and had children Charles and Helen. His military grave marker shows: “Arthur F. Dichard | Maine | PFC MG TRP 2 CAVALRY | World War I | January 26 1892 July 27 1963” He is buried in Saint Ignatius Cemetery, Sanford, York Co., Maine.
[15] Arthur H. Eaton.   Seeking information.
[16] Charles Edison Emerson was born 6 September 1893 in Nottingham, Rockingham Co. NH, son of Frank W. & Belle W. (Eaton) Emerson. He grew up in Nottingham NH and had siblings Lucy M., Cora B., Carrie E., and George P. By June 5, 1917 when he completed his WWI Registration form he was working as a Section Hand for the B&M Railroad in Merrimack.  At that time he was single, of medium height and stature, with blue eyes, dark hair. Local newspapers state he served during WWI though his rank and unit is not known.  Charles E. Emerson married 19 June 1919 in Epsom NH to Ruth Cofran, daughter of Samuel B. & Isabel E. (Hartford) Cofran.  They had children: Lura (later Sutherland), Lillian (later Gardner), George, Joyce (later Davis), and Donald. In 1942 they were living at 43 Marlborough St., Newburyport MA.  Charles Edison Emerson died in November of 1965 in Newburyport MA.
[17] James Herbert Ferguson was born 13 July 1895 in Merrimack NH per his WWI Registration form [his birth record states 1897] son of Granville & Mary Agnes (O’Conner) Ferguson. His father Granville died 7 Jan 1905 in Merrimack NH. James H. Ferguson enlisted from Newport, Sullivan County NH during World War I. At that time he was living in Newport working as a shoemaker at W H. McElwain Shoe Co. He was the grandson of James W. & Emily (Shaw) Ferguson who were living South Merrimack in 1910. The grandfather, James W., was originally from Massachusetts, and was a veteran of the Civil War, and a cabinetmaker. Pvt. James H. Ferguson is buried in St. Mihiel American Cemetery, France, Plot D, Row 15, Grave 26. His name is listed on the WWI Honor Roll in Doric Hall of the NH State House.  Newspapers credited him to Rowley MA (probably because his sister lived there). The Boston Post (Boston MA) of 5 June 1918 reported “Private James H. Ferguson, the Rowley young man named yesterday as dead of disease in France, was a member of M. Company, 103d Field Artillery. He enlisted in Concord, N.H. last summer. He was formerly employed in a Merrimac shoe factory as a McKay stitcher. He was 21 years old. His sister, Mrs. Harold Poole of Rowley, was notified yesterday of her brother’s death.
[18] Luther Charles Flanders, was born 19 April 1898 in Franklin NH,  son of Robert M. & Sadie J.(Pettingill/Butterfield) Flanders. A newspaper clipping of July 1916 indicates that he enlisted in the NH National Guard at that time and assigned to Camp Concord.  Most of those men were later mustered into the national army during WWI (197th Field Artillery from the NH National Guard). In September of 1918 he filled out his WWI Registration form, at that time living in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack NH, and working for U.S. Cartridge Co. in Lowell MA. His father Robert of Sanbornton NH was listed as next of kin. He was of medium height, medium build, with hazel eyes and sandy hair. In 1925 he was a member of Thornton’s Ferry Horseshoe Fish and Game Club. He married 25 November 1926 in Nashua NH to Evelyn C. Buder, daughter of Emil & Chara (Cipher) Buder. He was 28 and she was 19. He was an iron moulder and she was a shoe worker b. in Webster MA.
[19] Jesse John Follansbee was born 8 July 1889 in Claremont NH, son of Lawrence M. & Hattie L. (Sparling) Follansbee. In 1910 he was living in Nashua NH with his parents.  In June of 1917 when he completed his WWI Registration form, he was single and living in Merrimack NH, working at Packing furniture, Caldwell Jones Co.  He describes himself as being of medium height and medium stature with blue eyes and dark hair.  His military headstone application states that during WWI he enlisted on 9 May 1918 and was honorably discharged on 11 March 1919. He served in the U.S. Army as a Private in Co B 316 Engineers, 91st Div.  [See 91st Division History].  After the war ended and by 1920 he was living in California with his parents.  By 1930 he had married [Gladys K., born 28 April 1891 Kansas, died 16 June 1973 Riverside, California.
]  and was living in San Diego California.  He does not seem to have had any children.   Jesse J. Follansbee died on 16 August 1954 in Palm Springs, California and is buried at Welwood Murray Cemetery.
[20] Earle Lake Foskett was born 17 December 1893 in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack NH to George Parley & Martha A. “Mattie” (Lake) Foskett. In 1900 he was living with his parents in Merrimack NH also with a sibing Florence R. Foskett (who later married Charles F. Rogers on 21 Oct 1911). Earle L. Foskett attended school in Merrimack NH graduating from McGaw Normal School in September 1911. He graduated from Norwich University (CT) in 1911, he also attended Dartmouth College. On May 31, 1917 he completed his WWI form (co-signed by the Hartford CT Town Clerk) for the town of Merrimack NH, stating he was working as an electrician for Hartford Electric Signs in Hartford CT but his residence was Reeds Ferry NH. He was single, of medium height and slender stature with brown eyes and brown hair. He stated he had served in the Vermont Cavalry & Infantry as a 2nd Lieut for 5 years previously. Earle L. Foskett (according to NY National Guard records) enlisted March 7, 1916 at Schenectady NY, Pvt Co F, 2nd Infantry  honorable discharge.  April 2, 1917 a Private from Co F 2nd Infantry NY National Guard.  September 5, 1918 152nd Depot Brigade to discharge. Corporal November 1, 1918. He married 1st) 8 October 1919 in Concord NH to Vivien Rebecca Morgan, dau of Samuel & Elsie M. (Clifford) Morgan. He married 2d) to Gertrude M. –. She was b. in Wisconsin. In 1930 he was living in Hempstead, Nassau, NY. In 1940 living in Rockville Centre, Nassau NY with wife Gertrude and children Betty J. (aged 9) and Stanley (aged 6). His occupation at that time was electrical engineer. In 1942 he was working for the NY City Board of Transportation.
[21] Thomas Harrold aka Harold T. Foote, b. 27 March 1894 in Manchester NH, son and third child of Thomas C. & Annie Lotta (Lamb) Foote. His WWI registration form dated June 5, 1917 shows him 22 years old, a farmer working for his father. He was single, tall and slender with gray eyes and light hair. The US Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death file shows that he served in the U.S. Army enlisting on 9 Dec 1917 and being released on 15 Dec 1918. He died on 17 October 1981 in Detroit, Wayne Co. Michigan. He married 15 Sep 1920 in Merrimack NH to Louise Mabel Watkins, daughter  of Thomas & Edith (Wills) Watkins.
[22] Gilbert Duncan Fraser was born August 1898 in Nova Scotia Canada,  the son of John D. & Mary (Vroom) Fraser. The family lived in Merrimack NH between 1900-1910. By 1920 Gilbert’s parents had moved to Salem CT. Gilbert attended Merrimack NH schools. During World War I he enlisted in the state of Massachusetts in the United States Marine Corp, 5th USMC Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. He was killed 12 June 1918, and was awarded the French Croix de Guerre. He is buried in Belleau France, in the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, in Plot A., Row 10, Grave 58. The Gold Star record of Massachusetts attributes him to Boston MA as follows: FRASER, Gilbert Duncan. Marine Corps: died 13 June 1918, of wounds received in action in Belleau Wood. Enl. 10 Aug. 1917, Parris Island, S.C.; trans. 14 Nov to 12th Co., Quantico; 24 Jan 1918 to 18th Co., 5th Regt., 2d Div. Overseas 13 Dec 1917. Born 23 Aug 1898 at Clementsport, N.S. Cited in G.O. No. 44: “In the Bois de Belleau, on June 13, 1918, after being shot through the stomach, he kept up a steady fire on the enemy machine gun, yelling for more ammunition and courageously advancing until he fell exhausted.” Croix de Guerre: “On June 13, 1918, although wounded in the chest by a bullet, he continued to fire upon an enemy machine gun and advanced until he fell, exhausted by his wound.”  His name is listed on the WWI Honor Roll in Doric Hall of the NH State House. Fraser Square, located in the vicinity of 422 Daniel Webster Highway was named in his honor [see photographs of Fraser Square memorial by Marc Nozell].

1919 the (then) Merrimack (NH)
Congregational Church decorated
with bunting for the celebrations.
Photograph courtesy of Kimberly Coutts.

[23] Edward Carlton Grant was b 8 Nov 1895 Clinton Massachusetts, son of William & Minnie B. (Fairfield) Grant. He m. 21 August 1920 at Merrimack NH to Gladys M. Reymond/Raymond, daughter of Levi & Arvilla H. (Richards) Reymond. Edward completed his WWI Registration form in Merrimack NH, residing there at that time, a stationary fireman for W.H. McElwain Co. He was single, tall, of medium building with hazel eyes and light hair. In 1930 living in Amherst NH with wife Gladys and children Donald E. and Marion L. In 1940 living in Merrimack NH with additional children William P. and Shirley A. Grant. He later lived at 41 Spring Street in Nashua NH. He died on 26 October 1977. OBITUARY, Nashua Telegraph, 27 October 1977. Edward C. Grant, 81, of 41 Spring Street, died in a local hospital yesterday after a long illness. A resident of this city for the past 18 years, Mr. Grant was a retired carpenter and steam engineer. Born in Clinton, Mass., Nov 8, 1895, he was a son of William and Minnie (Fairfield) Grant. He was educated in schools of South Lancaster, Mass, where the family resided during his early youth. During World War I he served with the U.S. Navy as a fireman 3rd class. Following his discharge in 1918 Mr. Grant was engaged in construction work as a carpenter and was also a steam engineer. His work necessitated his moving throughout New England and he had resided in Manchester, Merrimack, Goffstown and Dunbarton and also in Maine. Mr. Grant held membership in Rising Sun Lodge No 39, F. & A.M.; all Scottish Rite Bodies and The N.H. Consistory 32 degree; American Legion Post No 18 of Wolfeboro, The Odd Fellows of Merrimack, Barracks No. 39, World War I Veterans and Gate City Chapter of Disabled American Veterans. Members of his family include his wife, Mrs. Gladys M. (Raymond) Grant; two sons, Donald E. Grant and William P. Grant of Hudson; two daughters Mrs. Richard (Shirley) Nason and Mrs. Horace (Marion) Knights, both of Hudson, 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
[24] Richard Jerome Greenleaf was born 5 December 1898 in Merrimack NH, son of William E. & Daisy A. (Green) Greenleaf. He grew up in, and attended school in Merrimack NH. In 1900 & 1910 census records he was living with his family in Merrimack. He married 20 Sep 1923 in Manchester NH to Bernice Miller, daughter of Harlow & Fannie (Parker) Miller. OBITUARY, Nashua Telegraph, Monday, April 21, 1969. RICHARD J. GREENLEAF SR. of 17 Charlotte Ave. died Saturday at a local hospital after a short illness. He was born in Thornton’s Ferry Dec. 5, 1898, son of William and Daisy (Green) Greenleaf, and lived in Nashua most of his life. He served in the U.S. Army during World War I, with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. He had been employed by the Public Service Co. of N.H. for 44 years, retiring in 1963. He was a member of Rising Sun Lodge F. and A.M., the N.H. Consistory, the Scottish Rite Bodies of the Valley of Nashua and the Disabled American Veterans Association. The family includes his wife, Mrs. Bernice (Miller) Greenleaf; five daughters Mrs. Robert (Shirley) Primus of Pepperell, MA; Mrs. Robert (Norma) Gagne of Hudson, Mrs. Albert (Patricia) Sprague, and Mrs. Heinald (Beverly) Gaudette, both of Nashua, Mrs. Willis (Nancy) Maloon of Amherst; four sons: Richard J. Greenleaf Jr. of South Merrimack, William W. Greenleaf of San Pablo, Calif., Jack E. Greenleaf and Thomas D. Greenleaf both of Nashua, 27 grandchildren 2 great, grandchildren; 2 sisters Mrs. May Leach and Mrs. Helen O’Neil both of Nashua; two brothers, Harry D. Greenleaf Sr of Thornton’s Ferry and Thomas Greenleaf of San Francisco, California, nieces and nephews. [Buried Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH]
[25] Oliver Edward Hadley was born 7 May 1897 in Goffstown NH, son of Oliver E. & Emma M. (Hadley) Hadley. He grew up in Dunbarton NH attending schools there. By 1930 he was living in Merrimack NH and continued residing there until his death. His house on Bean Road was destroyed by fire in January of 1976. Two months later the Merrimack Zoning Board of Adjustment granted him a permit to ive in a mobile home temporarily placed on Bean Road (near Bedford Road) for his remaining years. He died February 1980 in Merrimack NH. [SSDI].He married 25 June 1930 to Maude F. Lothrop, and divorced 1 March 1935. OBITUARY: Nashua Telegraph 12 Feb 1980. MERRIMACK–Oliver Edward Haley, 82, of Bean Road, died Monday in a Merrimack hospital. Born in Goffstown, May 7, 1897, a son of Edward and Emma (Hadley) Hadley, Mr. Hadley had been a resident of Merrimack for the past 65 years. Before retirement, he operated a poultry farm. He was a World War I army veteran and a member of the Merrimack Memorial Post American Legion. He attended the Grace Baptist Church. Members of his family include one son, George H. Hadley of Merrimack, one grandson Jeff Hadley of Merrimack, two granddaughters Patty and Christy Hadley of Merrimack, and several cousins.” A funeral service was held for him at the George R. Rivet Funeral home with Rev. Harold Wheeler, pastor of the Grace Baptist Church officiating. Bearers were Wilfred Beaudet, Henry Beaudet, Raymond Carroll and John Donnolly. The American flag was present to Mr. Hadley’s son, George Hadley. He was buried in Westlawn Cemetery, Goffstown NH. His marker stone shows: OLIVER E. HADLEY | PVT US ARMY | WORLD WAR I | 1897 – 1980.
[26] Franklin Lowell Haseltine was born 10 April 1896 in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack NH, son of John Edward & Mabel L. (Lowell) Haseltine. He served in the U.S. Army was a wagoner in Battery A, 66th Artillery, enlisting 7 August 1917, released (honorably) 18 March 1919. His photograph is shown here wearing his WWI uniform.
He married 24 July 1926 at Plymouth NH to Beulah Marston Huckins. Franklin Lowell Haseltine worked as the assistant at Haseltine & Gordon, excelsior manufacturers. By 1933 he was president of Hasco Shop Inc, a store that sold men’s apparel, furnishings and athletic goods at 60 Main Street Durham (he lived in Merrimack at that time). He was active in Merrimack town affairs. He died 31 August 1981 in Merrimack NH, and is buried in Last Rest Cemetery. OBITUARY: Nashua Telegraph: Ex-Merrimack official Franklin L. Haseltine. Franklin Lowell Haseltine, 85, Daniel Webster Highway, died Monday in the Manchester Veterans Administration Hospital after a long illness. He was born in Merrimack, April 10, 1896 a son of the late John E. and Mabel L. (Lowell) Haseltine. He attended Merrimack schools and was a 1921 graduate of the University of New Hampshire. He was former owner of Haseltine and Gordon, later known as Haseltine Brothers, Merrimack. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. Mr. Haseltine was a member of the Lafayette Lodge 44 F and A.M. Manchester, New Hampshire Consistory, Valley of Nashua, Bektash Temple Shrine; Trinity Commandary, Knights Templar; Souhegan Lodge 98 I.O.O. F., and a charer member of Merrimack Memorial Post, American Legion. Mr. Haseltine was a former forest fire warden in Merrimack and had been a Merrimack fire chief in the days of volunteer firefighters. He served on the town Budget Committee for many years and was a library trustee for more than 50 years. He is survived by a brother, Brig. Gen. Edward J. Haseltine of Merrimack, two sisters, Mrs. Leon (Hazel) Adkins of Saratoga Springs, NY and Mrs. Ralph (Elizabeth) McLaughlin of Manchester and several nieces and nephews.
[27] Paul H. Hazelton. Seeking information. There was a Paul Hingham Hazelton who lived briefly in the Manchester NH area and later (1943) as a Lieut. Col. in the Air Force as the result of a glider crash. I can’t find any connection of him to Merrimack NH.
[28] Edward Warren Pillsbury Hills, born 29 October 1886 South Merrimack NH, son of Edward A. & Ellen R. (Foote) Hills. He had several siblings including Gertrude E.S., Augusta E., Bertha E., and Warren P. They continued to live in Merrimack NH when their mother Ellen married George B. Kent. Edward’s WWI Registration form was completed on June 4, 1917 in New Haven CT where, at the age of 30, he was a salesman and part owner of a publishing Co. He describes himself as tall and medium build with brown eyes and brown hair. He enlisted 3 November 1917,  departed from Hoboken NJ to Europe on 26 November 1917. He served in Europe in Co B of the 504th Engineer Battalion. He returned from France on 28 May 1919, and was honorably discharged on 14 June 1919. He married 24 October 1921 in Nashua NH to Mary A. Hynes, daughter of Daniel & Kate A. (Buckley) Hynes. In 1942 living at 330 East High St Manchester NH and owned a store at 374 S. Pearl Street also in Manchester. Edward W. Hills died 3 November 1947 and is buried at St. Joseph’s Cemetery (New).
[28-B] Henry H. Hock was born 21 Aug 1893 in Rockland Maine, son of Charles & Jennie (Preader) Hock. When he completed his WWI registration form he was living in Detroit Michigan working for himself in farming and painting. She was single, of medium height and stature with gray eyes and light brown hair. According to the U.S. Dept of Veteran affairs, Henry Hock enlisted in the U.S. Army on 31 May 1918 and was released on 19 Dec 1918. He married 9 Aug 1919 in Hudson NH to Margaret Loraine Jameson, daughter of David H. & Nellie L. (Karr) Jameson. They had a son, Edward Albert Hock (1925-1982). In 1920 he was living in Merrimack NH as a farmer. In 1930 he was a house painter, living in Merrimack NH. In 1940 he was a poultry dealer in Merrimack NH. He died 30 May 1982 in Merrimack New Hampshire.
[29] Raymond Walch Hutchinson, b. 7 April 1896 in Merrimack NH, youngest child and son of Dana Raymond & Flora Eliza “Flossie” (Walch) Hutchinson, and grandson of Eugene & Phebe Beard (Raymond) Hutchinson and James E. & Susan M. (Beaman) Walch. Raymond was one of 8 children, others including Alfred E., Walter D, Edith P. (m. — Clement), Eva D. (who married Frank E. Holden), Hellen H, and Abbie F. (married — Cowan). In 1900 they were all living in Merrimack NH. In 1910 he was living with his parents and older sister Abbie in Merrimack NH. His WWI Registration form of June 5, 1917 was completed in Merrimack NH. His occupation was farmer working for his father. He was single and indicated he had served 3 years as a corporal in NH State College’s college drill team (now UNH). He attended that school in the Agricultural program and shown in the 1917 yearbook as a sophomore. He described himself as being of medium height, stout stature with gray eyes and light hair.   The newspaper lists him as a veteran of WWI. In 1919 he was headmaster of the Wilton School, and can be found in the 1920 census boarding with a family there. By 1940 he was married (Mildred) and living in Great Neck, Nassau, NY, a teacher. The SSDI shows that he died April 1978 in Northampton MA. He is buried in the Hutchinson family plot in Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH.
[30] Arthur Sewall Johnson was born 11 March 1899 in Merrimack NH, son of Ernest James & Lillian M. “Lilla} (Teed) Johnson. In 1900 he was living with his parents and family in Litchfield NH. In 1910 he can be found living in Merrimack NH. He married Marie Antoinette J. Belair, daughter of Alphonse & Hedwidge (Lapierre) Belair. They had several children. He served as a Private during WWI, in Co. H 103rd Infantry, returning from France on 17 Feb 1919 aboard the ship Niagra. On June 24, 1918 the Nashua Telegraph reported: “Private Arthur Johnson of the 103rd writes from a hospital in France to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson of Reed’s Ferry that he has been slightly gassed, but not seriously enough to have been officially reported.” Arthur S. Johnson died 6 September 1963 and is buried in Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH where he has a military marker.
[31] Frederick W. Jones was born as Frank R. Jones on 4 Sep 1885 Epping, NH, fourth child of Alba Joseph & Mary A. “Ella” (Clay) Jones.   In 1910 and 1920 his parents lived on Depot Street, in Reeds Ferry NH, his father working at the cooperage, and his step-mother running a boarding house. He had siblings Myrtle M., Mabel Lilla, Nellie Estelle (who m. Edmund Sturgis), Lena A. (who m. Schuyler Fenton Higgins), Inez E., and Estella May “Stella” (who m. James Andrew Bennett. Their son Alba Bennett married Madeline Irene “Nan” Nash.  Stella m2d) Edgar Daniels Abbott.  Frederick W. Jones served during WWI as a Private First Class in Section 525 U.S. Army Ambulance Service with French Army.   He enlisted from New York City in April of 1918.  When he returned from the war he stayed in New York City where he worked in hospitals, at first Bell Hospital and later as purchasing agent for St. Vincent’s Hospital.  He was still living there in April of 1942 when he completed his WWII registration card, single.
[32] Albert Plummer Kilborn was b. 10 April 1887 in Webster NH, son of Charles Albert & Minnie Almira (Long) Kilborn.  He had siblings Mattie Kilborn (my grandmother, who married Clarence L. Webster and lived in Merrimack NH), and Henry R. Kilborn (see #33).   Albert grew up in Concord Litchfield and Merrimack NH. His WWI registration form was completed in Merrimack NH, where he stated he was single, working as a motorman in Waterbury CT for Connecticut Co. He was tall, of medium stature with gray eyes and light brown hair. He served during WWI, 56th Spruce Squadron (as stated on his grave marker). The US Dept of Veterans Affairs records show he enlisted 16 Feb 1918 and was released from served 28 January 1919.  The 56th Spruce Squadron’s purpose was to harvest lumber for the construction of airplanes.  The 451st Aero Squadron (Construction) was organized Feb 1918 and re-designated the 56th Spruce Squadron Jul 1918. It was demobilized, Jan 1919. Stations included: Vancouver Barracks, WA; Nemah, WA, Apr 1918; and Vancouver Barracks, WA, Dec 1918. When Albert returned from the War he married a widow, Mrs. Grace Esther Rock-Bradley. They had four children, Albert H., Margaret A., Shirley M., and Ruth.  He died 3 January 1948 at the age of 60. He is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Waterbury CT.   [SEE his photograph here.  Please do not reuse this photograph without my express written permission. It is not an official military photograph, it is a personal family photo and still within copyright.]

Henry Richard Kilborn
(1898-1979), great-uncle
to this blog’s author.

[33] Henry Richard Kilborn was born 28 July 1898 in Merrimack NH, son of Charles Albert & Emma Jane (Fretts) Kilborn. He grew up in Litchfield and Merrimack  NH. He graduated from McGaw Normal School in the Class of 1917. Soon after he was working as a clerk for Western Union Telephone Co in Boston MA, and he registered for WWI through a Boston MA Board, Division 7. The US Dept of Veterans Affairs BIRLS death file shows he enlisted in the Army on 15 Oct 1942 and was released 20 Jan 1943. His sister (my grandmother) Mrs. Clarence Webster of Reeds Ferry NH is listed as his next of kin.  He moved to California and worked for Western Union there.  He died 22 July 1979 in Sacramento, California and is buried there.  Single, no children.  SEE Family Photograph of him taken about the time of his graduation from McGaw Normal School.
[34] Walter Wilson Kittredge was born 9 December 1898 in Merrimack NH, son of Atty. Walter E. & Addie L. (Wilson) Kittredge. The Dept of Veterans Affairs BIRLS database says he enlisted 10 October 1918 and was released 10 December 1918, serving only briefly (2 months). In 1917 when he completed his WWI Draft form he was a student at MIT. He graduated from Nashua High School in 1917, and in June of 1921 he graduated from MIT with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He died 27 February 1988 and is buried in Hillside Cemetery, Cheshire, New Haven Co. CT.
[35] Frank Martinkus  was born 10 April 1890 in Lithuania [Eloky Luthor Russia] son of Stephen & Eva (Barshua) Martinkus . The 1930 U.S. Census shows he immigrated to the United States about 1909. He registered for the WWI Draft in June of 1917. At that time he was living in Merrimack NH working as a watchman at W H McElwain Co. He was single, short and of medium stature with blue eyes and light hair. Frank Martinkus enlisted in the U.S. Army on 4 Feb 1918, and received an honorable discharge on 13 May 1919. He served as a Private First Class in Co. B, 58th Infantry, 4th Division (according to his military tombstone). He married Jeannette A. Welch.  In 1927 he was a ‘poulterer’ in Thornton’s Ferry NH.  Frank Martinkus died 9 Nov 1936 in Hillsborough County Hospital in Goffstown NH after a stay of 43 days. He was laid to rest on 12 November 1936 in Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH.
[36]  Peter Martinkus was born 13 October 1888 in Lithuania [Kadin, Russia].  He was probably related to Frank Martinkus (see #35).  He completed his WWI registration form from Brockton MA where he was living in 1917, an unemployed shoemaker with a wife and 4 children.  He was of medium height and stature with gray eyes and dark hair. In 1924,  1930 and 1932 he was living in Thornton’s Ferry and mentioned in several newspaper articles.  He eventually moved to Florida, and a request for a military marker there shows that he enlisted 21 July 1918 and was discharged 18 January 1919. He served as a Private in the U.S. Army, Co F., 36th Infantry, 12th Division, and died 3 December 1959.  The marker form shows he served from New Hampshire, then it is crossed out and changed to Florida. He is buried in Magnolia Cemetery, Orange Park FL.  The military form completed by a “close friend” states he had no known relatives.
[37] Thomas Henry McVeigh b 22 November 1894 in Nashua NH, son of John & Kate (Kelley) McVeigh. He m. 22 Jan 1913 in Nashua NH to Jane “Jennie” Gaffney, daughter of John & Anna (?) Gaffney.  They divorced 1 February 1929, having had 1 child. In June of 1917 when he completed his WWI registration form in Ward 4 of Nashua, he was a gardener for Mr. E.F. Hodge of Nashua, was married with a wife to support. He was tall and of medium stature with light brown eyes and black hair. In 1917 he was living in Thornton’s Ferry where his daughter Ruth Kaolin McVeigh was born (17 October 1917). He served during WWI as a Corporal in Company F, 308th Infantry, returning from France on the ship, America, arriving in Hoboken NJ from Brest France on 28 April 1919. In 1942 he was living at 19 Park Street in Nashua. His application for a military tombstone shows: Thomas Henry McVeigh | enlisted 5-25-18, hon. discharge 5-18-19 | NH | Corporal | Company F, 308th Infantry, 77th Division |DOB 11-22-92 | date of death 3-30-60 | buried St. Patrick Cemetery, Hudson NH | applicant Ruth Beringer.
[38] Merton Errol Myshrall was born 16 Nov 1892 in Vanceboro Maine, son of William Randolph & Bertha Nevers (Hall) Myshrall. In 1910 he was living with his family on Concord Road in Merrimack NH, a laborer in the tannery. His siblings included Essie M. and Mary E. He married 26 March 1920 in Manchester NH to Ethel G. Swanson, daughter of Hjalmer G. & Malina (Camerand) Swanson. The newspapers state he served in WWI, as does a marker on his gravesite.  The U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs records show he served in the U.S. Navy, enlisting 12 April 1917 and being discharged 23 Dec 1918.   In 1940 he was living in Manchester NH with wife Ethel and children William (age 14) and David (age 4), and his mother Bertha (age 71). In 1942 he was living at 395 So Main Street Manchester NH working for International Shoe Co. Merton was an active member of the Horseshoe Fish & Game Club of Merrimack. He died 1 November 1987 in Catskill, Greene Co NY and is buried in Forest City International Cemetery, Forest City, York Co., New Brunswick, Canada.
[39] Omer Augustus Norton born 14 Nov 1894 in Merrimack NH, son of Lewis A. & Mary (Pettipaw) Norton. His WWI registration form of June 5, 1917 shows him working for the excelsior shop of Haseltine & Gordon in Merrimack, and single supporting his mother. He was tall and of medium stature with blue eyes and light hair. He married Clara Burgess in November of 1921. Omer A. Norton died 26 April 1945 in Windsor, Windsor VT. His military marker application shows that he enlisted 3-2-18 and was honorably discharged 1-10-19, serving 3 yrs 3 months. He was a private in the 76th Spruce Squadron, Vancouver Barracks, WA. He was buried in Edgewood Cemetery, Nashua NH.
[40]  Patrick Francis O’Leary, son of Patrick & Nellie (Coleman) O’Leary was b abt 1888 in Ireland. He immigrated to the United States about 1912. He married 24 April 1918 in Cambridge MA to Hannah Marie Enright, daughter of Daniel & Norah (O’Leary) Enright. They lived in Massachusetts then in Merrimack NH for a few years before moving in 1927 to Peabody MA. He had several children: Eleanor who m. Cornelius Callahan, Donald, Franklin and Patricia who m. — Racki.  Patrick served during WWI  as a Private in M Co, 314th Infantry, 79th Division, NA [National Army].
[41] Horace Putnam Patterson was born 29 November 1885 in Merrimack NH, son of George E. & Anna M. (Foster) Patterson. He had siblings Suzanne “Susie” P., Sarah L. and Ned Foster, and George F. In the 1900 census he was living with his widowed father and siblings in Merrimack NH. He served during WWI as a Corporal in Section 9, Group C, Repair Unit 322, MTC (US Army). He had enlisted 31 March 1918 and was honorable discharged 12 July 1919 [Veterans Affairs BIRL database]. Horace P. Patterson married 1st) 5 April 1922 in So. Merrimack NH to Annie Evelyn Linscott, daughter of Augustus N. & Adaline J. (Hannan) Linscott. He was 36, she was 17. They divorced 11 October 1935. Their 6 children included Ruth G. (who m. George Walsh, Charles Keeping and Alfred DeJeet), George L., Hazel P. (who m. — Corbett), James R., Dana Allen & Horace P. Jr. Also Louise and Barabara who died in infancy. Horace P. Patterson married 2nd) 14 June 1956 in NH to Helen Colburn Dobson, daughter of John & Nellie (Colburn) Dobson. She was born 1 Aug 1889 in Towsend MA    and died in 1985. By 1942 Horace was living on Milford Road in South Merrimack NH and working for Nashua Manufacturing Co. on Factory Street in Nashua. He died 23 December 1980 in the Oddfellows Home in Concord NH and is buried in Reeds Graveyard, Merrimack NH.  OBITUARY: Nashua Telegraph, Wednesday, December 24, 1980. HORACE PUTNAM PATTERSON, 95, a native and resident of South Merrimack for many years, died Tuesday night in the Odd Fellow Home, Concord. Mr. Patterson was born in South Merrimack on Nov. 29, 1885, a son of George E. and Anna (Foster) Patterson. He was educated in Merrimack schools and for many years was employed as a bleacher with the former Nashua Manufacturing Company. During World War I, Mr. Patterson served with the U.S. Army in Europe. Fraternally he held membership in Granite Lodge #1, IOOF of this city; The Rebekah Lodge of Antrim NH and Crotched Mountain Encampment #39; Ancient York Lord #89 F & A. M., all Scottish Rite bodies in the Valley of Nashua and The N.H. Consistory 32 degree; Trinity Lodge of the Shrine in St. Petersburg Fla where he resided for several years, and the Memorial Post, American Legion. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Helen C. (Dobson) Patterson of Concord; two sons George Patterson of Nashua and Horace P Patterson Jr of Wilton; two daughters Mrs. Ruth P. Keeping of St. Petersburg and Mrs. Hazel P. Corbett of Nashua; 22 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; two brothers-in-aw Charles Parker of South Merrimack and George Proctor of West Palm Beach Fla; several nephews and nieces. The Farwell Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Edward Chamberlin Rose, a
Major during WWI, retiring as a
Colonel years later (U.S. Army).
This photograph from his Class
of 1912 West Point yearbook

[42] Edward Chamberlin Rose was b. 12 December 1890 in Platville, Weld Co., Colorado, son of Rev. Samuel & Grace (Chamberlin) Rose. His father was born in England and was a congregational clergyman who served in the church in Merrimack NH from about 1898 to 1908. In 1900 Edward was living in Merrimack NH (aged 9) with his family and siblings Phillip M. (11) and Elizabeth J. (7). By 1910 the family had moved to Cornwall, Addison Co. VT. and he a younger sibling, Elizabeth Joy. Edward Chamberlin Rose applied to West Point from New Hampshire, and was in the graduating Class of 1912. [His extensive biography can be found here].  He served during WWI:  June 7, 1918 he was Major of Infantry, National Army, at Camp Doge Iowa on July 12, 1918 with 350th Infantry, 88th Division to July 26; to France in August 1918. He was with the 350th Infantry from September 15, 1918 to May 21, 1919. Returned to U.S. May 30, 1919. Returned to grade of Captain March 25, 1920. During WWII he received the Legion of Merit.  He retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of Colonel. He died 4 November 1967 in Beach Army Hospital, Fort Wolters, Palo Pinto TX. He was buried in the U.S. Military Academy cemetery, West Point, New York.
[42-B] Henry Arthur Shonyo was born 1 July 1895 in Pittsfield New Hampshire, son of Lewis & Mary (King) Shonyo. In 1910 he was living in Pittsfield NH with his family and siblings: Rose E., Mary S., Florence E., Hilda I., Lewis E, and Leon W. On June 5, 1917 Henry completed his WWI Registration form in Merrimack NH. At that time he was working as a farmer at The Kaolin Farm Co. in Merrimack. He was illiterate, signing his mark (an X) rather than a signature on this form and also in 1942 to his WW2 Draft Registration form. He was of medium height, stout with blue eyes and brown hair. In 1942 he was living in Albany, Orleans Co. Vermont. He died between 20 June 1960 and 18 Jan 1977. Possibly L. Company New Hampshire State Guard, Private in 1920.
[43] Walter Alden Stoddard was born 25 Feb 1890 Chelsea, MA, son of Alden B. & Adelaide (Mills) Stoddard. In 1900 he was living in Chelsea MA with his maternal grandmother, parents and siblings, James E., and Thomas R.  On June 5, 1917 he registered for the WWI Draft in Merrimack NH, at that time asst superintendent in the Sole Leather Tannery of W.H. McElwain Co. He was single, of medium height and stature with gray eyes and dark hair. He later lived (by 1930) in Pennsylvania and died in Elkland, Tioga Co PA on 21 August 1977. His PA Veteran Burial card shows he enlisted 8-10-17 and was honorably discharged 2-3-19, having served in the U.S. Army as a 2nd Lieut in the 817th Depot, Aero Squad. He was buried in Last Rest Cemetery, Merrimack NH. He m abt 1925 to Myrtle Johnson daughter of Ernest James & Lillian M. (Teed) Johnson of Merrimack.
[44] Athanasios Theodore Siahos aka Arthur T. Siahos was born November 18 1892 in Kalambaka Thessaly Greece, son of Thodoros.  He immigrated to the United States in November of 1911 aboard the S.S. Martha Washington, giving his name as Athanassios Sahos and his destination being Boston MA.  When he completed his WWI Registration form in Merrimack NH he was a “sole leather worker” at W. H. McElwain Co in Merrimack NH. He noted he was the support of his mother, brother 11 yr old, and aunt with daughter. He was single, tall and slim with brown eyes and black hair.  He entered the United States Army based on a naturalization form when he was at Fort Devens MA and applied Dec 15, 1918, approved January 25, 1919.  A newspaper notice of January 22, 1919 mentions soldiers discharged at Fort Devens (Lowell Sun), and among them was “Arthur Siahos. ”  By 1920 Arthur Siahos was living in Lowell MA (boarding) and working in a leather factory. I can find no further information.
[45] Bertram Alfred Tremblay born 9 Feb 1898 in NH, son of Alfred J. & Marie (-) Tremblay of Merrimack NH, grandson of Charles & Anne (Pepin) Tremblay. He completed his WWI Registration form in September of 1918, a pail turner at Fessenden & Lowell Co. in Reeds Ferry NH. He was 20 years old, of medium height and build with brown eyes and dark hair. In 1910 he was living in Merrimack NH with his parents and sibings Wifred, Louis, Emma, Ella, George and Roland The US Dept of Veterans Affairs records show he enlisted 9 July 1916 and was released 15 Feb 1917. [dates odd, probably wrong]. He was of Oakland California in 1934 (per newspaper clipping). He died 29 July 1976 in Santa Clara California.
[46] Joseph Alfred Tremblay born Sept 25 1898 Canada, son of David & Minnie (Cote) Tremblay.  In September of 1918 when he completed his WWI Registration form he was 19 years old, and working as a  pail turner in Reeds Ferry NH. He mentions his mother, Minnie Tremblay of Reeds Ferry NH. He was short with medium build, blue eyes and dark hair.   He served in WWI, based on a military marker on his grave site and mention of his service in the Nashua Telegraph newspaper, but his rank and unit is unknown. He married 5 Oct 1919 in Salem NH to Mabel G. Hood, daughter of George G. & Fannie E. (Brown) Hood. They had no children. Joseph A. Tremblay died Nov 14, 1987 in Weare NH and is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Weare NH.
[47] Lewis “Louis” Emil Tremblay was born 4 January 1896 in Merrimack NH, son of  Alfred & Marie (-) Tremblay and brother to Bertram Alfred Tremblay (#45 above). In 1942 he registered for the WWII Draft and was living in Townsend MA, age 46. He died 12 January 1961. He was listed in the Nashua Telegraph as a veteran of WWI being acknowledged by the town of Merrimack but his service and unit are unknown.
[48] Managill Tremblay was born 13 Feb 1896 in Manchester NH, son of David & Cordelia (Boulerige) Tremblay.  In June of 1917 he filled out a WWI Registration form and indicated he worked in the Excelsior Mill for Haseltine & Bordon in Merrimack NH. He had formerly served as a private in the 1st NH Infantry (National Guard) for 1 year. He was single, of medium height and stature with blue eyes and dark hair.  During WWI he enlisted 7 July 1916 (National Guard), 25 July 1917 Regular Army. He was wounded in battle and recovered. He was discharged 8 May 1919. He served in Europe with the rank of Sergeant in Co D, 1st Dev Battalion 151 Army Depot Brigade.  After his return home, he died on 11 July 1919, drowning in the Merrimack River in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack.  On July 14, 1919 the Nashua Telegraph published on  page 3: “WORLD WAR VETERAN DROWNED. Reed’s Ferry, July 14. “The body of Pvt. Managill Trembley was found in the river near the island late Sunday, after a search which had extended overnight, under circumstances which point to the belief that the boat which he had used to reach the island had drifted from the bank and that in attempting to recover it, had gone beyond his depth. The young man left his home Friday to go berry picking. When he did not return in the evening, a search party was organized.His death has cast a gloom over the entire community. He had but lately returned from military duty overseas where he was wounded, losing a part of his left hand which was struck by a piece of shell. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Tremblay, and besides them leaves two sisters Valeria, who is employed in the Amoskeag bank in Manchester and Lillian, a resident of this state.”  He was buried in St. Augustin Cemetery, Manchester NH.  In 1960 his sister Lillian had a military marker placed at his burial place.
[49] Wilfred Alfred Tremblay was born 4 November 1894 in Reeds Ferry, Merrimack NH probably son of Alfred & Marie Tremblay and brother to Lewis (#47) and Bertram (#45). On June 5, 1917 he completed his WWI Registration form, a clerk at W.S. Jenkens of Merrimack, single, tall and of medium stature with brown eyes and black hair. He served during WWI in Co. D, 309th Infantry, 78th Division. In 1942 he filled out his WWII Registration form and was living at 429 Hanover Street in Manchester NH. He was married and working for Auto Electric Service of Am Street Manchester NH. He died 9 Dec 1955.
[50] Wilfred Joseph Valley was born 3 October 1895 in Merrimack NH, son of Theophile & Amelia (Pinard) Valley. In June of 1917 when he completed his WWI Registration form he was a farmer in the Reeds Ferry section of Merrimack, single, of medium height and stature, with gray eyes and light hair. According to the US Dept of Veterans Affairs he enlisted 26 April 1918 in the U.S. Army and was honorable released 12 June 1919. He served in Co. E, 303rd Engineers. The Nashua Telegraph of July 10, 1919 reported “Pvt Wilfred Valley is at the home of his mother in Reed’s Ferry, having recently returned home from overseas. Private Valley is wearing a croix de guerre.” He moved to Michigan where he married 7 May 1921 to Marguerite Elizabeth Lanz and they had at least three children: Julia Margaret, Jeanette, and Elizabeth. He died 14 October 1974 in Detroit, Wayne Co. Michigan.

[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I.  Look here for the entire listing].

★✪F O O T N O T E S✪★

[Footnote A] Nashua Telegraph Thursday, July 13, 1916:
MERRIMACK HONORS SOLDIERS. Merrimack July 13, To show the appreciation toward the seven young men who voluntarily enlisted to serve their country, namely Leon F.
Center, Bertram A. Tremblay, Managill A. Tremblay, Emile L. Tremblay,  Luther Flanders, Arthur S. Johnson and Earl W. Seavey, the residents of Reed’s Ferry contributed a sum of money which was presented to the boys in camp at Concord by a committee consisting of C.F. Read and Joseph Decateau, who went to visit the camp Wednesday.

Invitation sent to Arthur F. Dichard to attend
Merrimack’s Soldiers & Sailors Celebration.
Photograph by his grandson, Thomas Jacques
and used here with permission.

[Footnote B] June 10, 1919 Nashua Telegraph newspaper article (transcription): June 10, 1919 Nashua Telegraph | Merrimack Will Honor Service Men | Gov. Bartlett Will Deliver Principal Address Friday Afternoon | Merrimack June 10. Elaborate arrangements have been completed for the welcome home of the soldiers and sailors of Merrimack who have served in the world war, which will be held at the town hall, Merrimack, Friday, June 13, the program including features for morning, afternoon and evening. The Nashua Military band of Nashua has been engaged for the afternoon and evening ceremonies.
– Charles F. Young is chairman of the executive committee and Miss Clarissa W. Griffin is secretary and treasurer. Other members are John E. Haseltine, Osgood F. Upham, Mrs. J.N. Henderson, Norris E. Henderson, John W. Wright and Arthur G. Gordon.
– At 10 a.m. Friday morning there will be a baseball game between the East Manchester A.A. and the Merrimack team which will be composed largely of service men. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon there will be a band concert by the Nashua Military band in front of the town hall, and at 3 o’clock the formal program will be begun.  Mr. Haseltine, chairman of the public safety committee for the town, presiding. The principal address will be delivered by Gov. John H. Bartlett.
– At 6 p.m. there will be a banquet tendered to the veterans and their parents by the women of the town. The program in full follows:
*Ball game, 10 a.m. East Manchester A.A. vs Merrimack. Teams composed mostly of service men
*Band concert, 2 p.m. Nashua Military Band
*Exercises, 3 p.m. presiding officer, John E. Haseltine, chairman public safety committee
*Invocation, Rev. John W. Wright.
*Singing, Star Spangled Banner, Victory chorus, led by George Lincoln Parker of Boston
*Welcome to Soldiers, Harry Watkins, first selectman
*Singing solo, The Long, Long Trail, George Lincoln Parker
*When Johnny Comes Marching Home
*Address, Gov. John H. Bartlett
*Singing, Hurrah for Old New England
*Onward Christian Soldiers
*Solo, Keep the Home Fires Burning, George Lincoln Parker
*Address, Hon. Charles S. Emerson, chairman of Local Draft Board, No. 2, for County of Hillsborough
*Singing, “Smiles,” solo, “Tenting To-night,” George Lincoln Parker
*In memory of James H. Ferguson and Gilbert D. Fraser, by Rev. John W. Wright
*Welcome to the Boys, John G. Read, G.A.R.
*Presentation to the town of German helmets, Clarence L. Webster, chairman Victory Liberty Loan committee.
*Singing, “America.”
*Banquet 6.00 P.M. to the soldiers and their parents by ladies of the town
*Basket lunch 6.00 to 7.30 P.M.
*Band Concert 7.30 to 9.00 P.M.
*Dancing 8.30 to 12.00 Music by Hecker’s Singing orchestra
Merrimack’s Honor Roll.
Merrimack men who have served in the great war include: William S. Austin, Ephraim Bartlett, Nelson W. Black, Carl Burrough, Guy Burroughs, Arthur F. Callbeck, Philip L. Caldwell, Wallace L. Caswell, Wilbur F. Caswell, Leon F. Center, Carl B. Corning, Edward A. Cross, Arthur F. Dichard, Arthur H. Eaton, Charles E. Emerson, James H. Ferguson (killed in action), Luther C. Flanders, Jesse Follansbee, Earle L. Foskett, Harold T. Foote, Gilbert D. Fraser (killed in action), Edward C. Grant, Richard J. Greenleaf,  [next page] Oliver E. Hadley, Franklin L. Haseltine, Paul H. Hazelton, Raymond W. Hutchinson, Arthur – Johnson, Albert P. Kilborn, Henry R. Kilborn, Walter W. Kittredge, Frank Martinkus, Peter Martinkus, Merton E. Myshrall, Omer – Norton, Horace P. Patterson, Edward C. Rose, Walter A. Stoddard, Arthur T. Slahos, Bertram Tremblay, Joseph F. Tremblay, Lewis E. Tremblay, Managill Tremblay, Wilfred Tremblay, Wilfred A. Valley.  [end of article]

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7 Responses to New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Merrimack

  1. Virginia says:

    Wow! Amazing! Thank you.

  2. Pingback: New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War | Cow Hampshire

  3. Amy says:

    What incredible work you have done. And now we know where you got your love of history and your writing skills. That speech by your grandmother is really moving and beautifully written.

    • Janice Brown says:

      My Dad’s mom was very talented. I was only 13 when she died, and I wish I had gotten to know her better. Thank you for the compliment. I worked hard to try to identify all the heroes. There are not many who could face what they did and return home whole.

  4. Thomas Jacques says:

    I agree with Amy – this is an incredible amount of work you put in your blog.
    My grandfather was #14 – Arthur Frank Dichard.
    I am fortunate to have a photo of Arthur in his WWI uniform along with his New Hampshire WWI Service Medal and his Veterans of WWI cap.
    In my great grandmother’s bible I found two tickets to the Banquet for the Soldiers & Sailors Celebration at the Merrimack Town Hall, Friday June 13th, 1919 6:00 O’clock P.M. along with her hand written notes on when Arthur enlisted in WWI in Merrimack on April 19th, 1917 and was sent to Fort Ethan Allen, Vt for training before shipping out on March 17th, 1918.

    • Janice Brown says:

      Thomas, thank you for reading and commenting. I always feel glad I wrote a story when a family member connects with one of WWI heroes. If you would like to share a photograph so it can be posted here, just send an email to me at and let me know how to credit the photograph. Hoping you learned something you didn’t know about him from my story. Best wishes.

  5. Pingback: Collected Stories of Merrimack New Hampshire | Cow Hampshire

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