New Hampshire: Top Ten List For 2010

It has been said that the very first “Top Ten” list originated in People magazine

(although similar lists were also found in Good Housekeeping magazine about the same time).  They were made famous in 1985 by David Letterman, on his “Late Night with David Letterman” television show (NBC), and like a snow ball rolling down hill in New Hampshire, picked up weight and speed. We love to make lists, perhaps as a misguided way to organize our busy lives.

Since its popular anniversary 25 years ago, top ten lists proliferated on the internet.  Many of these lists are forever enshrined on the Ultimate Listverse of Top 10 Lists.

In the tradition of past memorable top ten lists, Cow Hampshire presents yet another, specially created to honor people, places and events of New Hampshire of the year 2010.

New Hampshire: Top Ten List For 2010

10. Top Trip: Mount Washington Observatory.   Where else would you want to celebrate the last day of 2010,but the top of the World–at least the highest peak in New Hampshire.  For a paltry $1,000 (per person) you can enjoy stunning scenery (well maybe), high winds, and an unforgettable dinner. Mount Washington Observatory offers amazing ‘EduTrips’ throughout the year, and is well worth supporting.

9. Top Video & Song: “Granite State of Mind,” by SSP.
Although credit may be given to the entire team of SSP, Christian Wisecarver, a native of New Hampshire, seems to be the masterMIND behind this musical parody.

8. Top Ghost Story: Ghosts of Christmas Past— Ghost Hunters Visit Christmas Farm Inn, Jackson NH (aired December 8, 2010)

7. Top Chef: NH Food Bank’s Chef Jayson McCarter, of “Recipe for Success” Where you can eat your cake and make it too.

6. Top Animal News: Bassic Rights Story. Changing the fishing rules.

5. Top Comedian: Juston McKinneyLive Free or Die! (I love this guy!)

4. Top Politician: Governor John Lynch, Democrat.  Descendant of Irish immigrants, elected to a historic fourth term (his inauguration on January 6, 2011). He’s a good guy, and even stopped to help an elderly woman whose car was stuck in a ditch.

3. Top Gift: Chinese Warrior Statue. A gift to the Merrimack Chamber of Commerce.

2. Top Sport: Winter Surfing. Better exercise than shoveling snow!

1. Top Theory: The Power of Ten.  Rich Broussard, editor of NH Magazine, expounds on how important things happen at the beginning of decades.  You decide!

Feel free to add a link to your own favorite top ten list!  Happy New Year everyone (my next post will be in 2011.

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