Not New Hampshire: Connecticut–Further Away Than You Thought!

In 1884 Christmas time was also associated with fairy folk. This must be true today.

It appears that the marketing genius at a yet unnamed tourism web site, is a far darrig, or ‘Red Man.’  No, I’m not speaking of the beloved red-clad Saint Nick, although the folks in Connecticut might be thinkin’ that someone named –Nick– is behind a plot.  A ‘far darrig’ is rather a prankish fairy, much like its Swedish cousin, the tomte.

I have it from reliable sources that the State of Connecticut recently fell off, or possibly was pushed off, a regional map of New England.  It is unknown at this time how the deed was accomplished.  People stare in wonder, and consider whether Connecticut will disappear from other maps, and what the implication might be of faulty geographical information?

But fay, O muse! what powerful motive draws?
For this event, unfold the mighty cause?
What would induce one hundred eighty-seven men to come,
Their shops forsaken, and forgot their home,
Perhaps not e’en a marketing prepar’d,
And doubtless some good time and money spared;
What would impel the show-man to forego
The certain profits springing from his show?
But private interest never should controul
The vast, and nobler interest of the whole.
Hence, when disorder mars the wheel of state,
Its course impedes, or turns, by force, or weight,
If the ring burst, or if the tiring break
The Spoke is shatter’d or the hub shall crack.”
–excerpts from “DEMOCRACY: An Epic Poem,”by Aquiline Nimble-Chops, Connecticut Courant newspaper, 1776

For the record, Cow Hampshire continues to observe Connecticut as one of six New England states.  All written with cow tongue firmly in cheek.

1. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 21 Dec 1884, page 21, story “Christmas Time and Fairy Folk.”
2. Bowle’s Map of the Seat of War: New England, comprehending the provinces of Massachusetts Bay, and New Hampshire; with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island; London, Printed for Carington Bowles No 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, 1776
3. Connecticut Courant newpaper, page 1, published 17 March 1794 1.
4. Visit Connecticut! The Official Connecticut State Vacation Guide.
5. WBUR: Article, “New England Nutmegs Connecticut”
6. RadioBoston: “Connecticut Wiped Off New England Map

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