Tag Archives: tourist

NH Tidbits: Autumn, Fall Foliage and Leaf Peeping

Autumn is finally here, and so is the beginning of the Autumn foliage color season. This year, Wednesday 22 September 2021 is the autumnal equinox, marking the beginning of “Fall.” The Old Farmer’s Almanac waxes poetic on that topic, so … Continue reading

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Franconia New Hampshire’s Indian Head Profile

An enormous stone face peers from a cliff on Mount Pemigewasset, in Franconia, New Hampshire. It sits not far from where its  brother rock, The Old Man of the Mountains, once ruled the valley from his own prominence. The website, … Continue reading

Posted in Boulders and Profiles, History, Native Peoples, Structures, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

New Boston New Hampshire’s Famous “Frog Rock”

Is the Frog Rock famous, infamous or not famous at all? How many people nowadays even know about it? Is it located in New Boston, or Mont Vernon, or both places? Does the rock even look like a frog? Lets … Continue reading

Posted in Boulders and Profiles, History, Humor, Oddities, Accidents and Crazy Weather, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

New Hampshire Missing Places: Information Booths

Starting at least by the 1930s, about the same time that the federal government became involved in making improvements to many state-owned park properties, a small building was erected in many towns and cities, designed to be an “Information Booth, … Continue reading

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New Hampshire: Leaf Peeping Through Time

AUTUMN (1831). — The later weeks in autumn possess a pensive interest from the change of the forest foliage–The fresh, beautiful green, that girded the mountain, and waved over the vales like the graceful folds of a mantle, is now … Continue reading

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