Tag Archives: Ancestry.com

Ancestry.com: Why Did A Good Idea Go the Way of the Flash Mob?

It’s close to midnight Some sap is dripping from my family tree Under computer screen light You see search results that make you want to flee You try to shriek But a zillion family hits just blur your vision You … Continue reading

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Ancestry.com’s Internet Biographical Collection–Not a "Fair Use?"

Craig Manson, of Geneablogie, continues his series regarding Ancestry.com's recent Internet Biographical Collection, from a legal perspective, and … Continue reading

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Ancestry.com’s Internet Biographical Collection Controversy: It Ain’t Over Until….

It ain't over until the fat lady sings…. or at least until Craig
Manson, attorney and law professor, publishes his … Continue reading

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Ancestry.com’s Internet Biographical Collection Removed Permanently

Just a few minutes ago, I received an email from Ancestry.com's copyright attorney office, as a follow-up to an email … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Genealogy, Not New Hampshire | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment