Cow Hampshire’s "Bucket List"

Larry Lehmer over at “Passing it On,” has started “The Bucket List” meme based on the movie of the same name. The movie stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, who “work their way through a list of things they want to do before they die.”

Larry has “tweaked” the meme a little asking “Where are three places in your own family history that you’d like to visit.”

Okay here goes:

1. Ireland. Although I’ve visited Ireland once, I’d like to visit the towns in Limerick (or possibly Cork) County where my RYAN ancestors originated.  The old documents show wording that looks like “Balerinna” as their home town. Sadly, there is no such town.  I suspect the town clerks wrote down what they thought they heard… and so my sought-after place could be one of several locations.  Some day when I finally discover the correct place, I want to visit it.

2. The Isles of Shoals. Some of my most elusive ancestors, the Uran (aka Urin, Yuran, Yurin) family originated here–a tiny collection of rocky outposts in the Atlantic ocean just off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire. I’ve sailed by several times on various tour boats, however I’ve never stayed a night here.  I’d like to some day, in good weather only!

3. England.  There is something magical that happens when I listen to a British accent–I hear a little bit of my own New Hampsha’ accent. My British ancestors hailed from various points in England, and so it would not matter exactly which part I visit, as I would be walking in my ancestors footsteps.


P.S. Also thanks to Ken at “Beyond Fiction” where I first saw this meme mentioned.

**Other Genea-Bloggers Writing About This Theme**

-Virtual Dime Museum: Where Would you Go?-

Smoky Mountain Family History: Bucket List Meme

West in New England: Kicking My Buckets Around

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