A Valentine’s Day Story: New Hampshire’s Bette Davis Connection

Actress Bette Davis often summered in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire.  In 1939, she had finished the movie “Elizabeth.” Its opening was arranged to be held in Littleton, New Hampshire. She took a vacation in the White Mountains, and while there she apparently lost her way on Coppermine Trail, off Route 116 near Easton, New Hampshire.

She was rescued by a local worker, Arthur Austin Farnsworth, a New Hampshire hotel manager (he was employed at Peckett’s). He was born Dec 15, 1909 son of Arthur White Farnsworth and his wife, Lillian L. Austin. Arthur White Farnsworth was b. Nov 16, 1872 at Windsor, VT was a dentist at Rutland Vt and m. 1907 Lillian L. Austin dau of Daniel and Lucretia (Bullard) Austin of Pittsford, VT.

Romance bloomed between the “ruggedly handsome” Vermonter and Miss Davis. On 31 Dec 1940 they married at Home Ranch, in Lake Montezuma, Arizona, and he became her 2nd husband (of 4). Farnsworth died tragically and mysteriously in August of 1943. Reportedly he collapsed unexpectedly on a Hollywood

Arthur Farnsworth and bride Bette Davis, exercising one of the horses around the miniature track on the Farnsworth estate.

Arthur Farnsworth and bride Bette Davis, exercising one of the horses around the miniature track on the Farnsworth estate.

street, dying two days later. “An autopsy revealed that his fall had been caused by a skull fracture that had occurred about two weeks earlier. Davis testified before an inquest that she knew of no event that might have caused the injury, and a finding of accidental death was reached.”

Bette Davis arranged for a bronze memorial plaque to be placed on the rock, in Coppermine Brook, where she was originally rescued.  The plaque is hidden from view by the casual passerby beside the brook. It reads: In Memoriam to Arthur Farnsworth “The Keeper of Stray Ladies” Pecketts – 1939 Presented by a devoted one.”

What surprised me was that Bette Davis had such a strong genealogical connection with New Hampshire. Several generations of her direct ancestors were born and resided in New Hampshire’s seacoast area, starting with her paternal great-grandfather [see genealogy below].


*Additional Reading*

Google Images for Bridal Veil Falls aka Coppermine Falls

Photograph of Plaque, and more Bette Davis/NH History


James Davis, son of John & Agnes Davis, b. 1583 in Marlborough, Wiltshire England and d. 29 Jan 1678/79 in Haverhill, Essex Co MA, age about 90.  He married 11 June 1618 in Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England to Cicely “Sisella” Thayer, dau of John & Joan (Lawrence) Thayer.  She b. 1 May 1600 in Thornbury, Gloucester England, and d. 28 May 1673 in Haverhill MA. James Davis was an early settler of Haverhill MA, a freeman in 1640, Representative in 1660. Jame made his will 17 March 1675-6, and it was proved 5 Nov 1680. He gave to son John “my third division of land in Haverhill.”  To James Davis “son of my son John,” one half of “my fourth division of upland in Haverhill.” To son Ephraim Davis thirty acres which “he hath built upon joyneing to ye great plaine in Haverhill;” also the east meadow; also such sheep and cattle as were then in his hands; “two Ox Commons and also five Cow Commons.”  To Stephen and Ephraim, sons of son Ephraim, half of fourth division of upland.  To son Samuel “my second division of upland and one Ox Comon and also three cow Comons all in Haverhill. To daughter Sarah, wife of John Page Jr., one half of my Pond meadow,” and all his goods in possesion of her husband, “excepting only my warmeing pan.”  To Janmes Gild, son of Samuel Gild, one half of pond meadow.  To son James (executor) all other estate.  In a codicil added 22 July 1678, he made Wm. White and Nathaniel Saltonstall both of Haverhill “overseer of this my will” with a special injunction that “If I outlive the — among (you) I thought ot spend, justice, according to proportion in my Will mentioned may be done to my eldest son James before any legacies are paid [The old gentleman’s apparent expectations of the need of interposition were not unrealized. The children pretty generally wanted each a thicker slice of the estate.  Accompanying papers show that John (who is said to have removed “to Pascataqua above twenty years since” had some altercation regarding land of his own which he had once authorized somebody to sell–that a variety of others claimed land which their father, they knew, always intended to give them, and that one claimed handsome share for taking care of his feeble old mother; these little things however, were settled by a peremptory decision against John, a denial of all “intended” gifts except one to Samuel which was proved clearly enough, and by an inherited rebuke to the son who manifested such filial affection to his mother, the affairs were settled in 1680.]
Children of James & Cicely (Thayer) Davis:
1. James Davis, b. 28 Jan 1621 in Haverhill Essex Co MA; married 1 Dec 1648 Haverhill MA to Elizabeth Eaton; d. 18 July 1694. She d. 21 Jan 1638. Ch: Hannah, Esther, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah, James, John, Elisha, Constant.
2. +John Davis, b. 28 Jan 1621 in Haverhill MA [2nd source says b 1623]
3. Judith Davis, b. 1625 in Haverhill MA; m 1 Sep 1647 to Samuel Gild and had ch, Samuel, Judith, John, Hannah, Sarah, James, Ephraim.
4. Joanna Davis, b. abt 1632 in Haverhill MA; m. 26 Oct 1645 to George Corliss. He d. 19 Oct 1686 and had children Mary, John, Joanna, Martha, Deborah, Ann, Huldah, Sarah.
5. Ephraim Davis, b. 1633 in Haverhill MA, married 31 Dec 1659 in Haverhill MA to Mary Johnson. He died 28 Sep 1679. Children: Ephraim, Stephen, Ephraim 2d, Mary, Thomas, Jonathan, Joannah, Susannah, Hannah.
6. Samuel Davis, b. 26 Nov 1640 in Haverhill MA; m. 17 Dec 1663 in Haverhill MA to Deborah Barnes, dau of William Barnes who d. 14 Jan 1718-19. He died 10 Sep 1696. Ch: Samuel, Deborah, Joseph, William, Ephraim, Sarah, Amos, Mary.
7. Hannah Davis, b. abt 1645
8. Sarah Davis, marraied 18 June 1663 to John Page Jr., who lived until 7 June 1714. She d. 7 July 1680.

[Thomas Davis, brother to the above James, and his wife Christian, came from England.  Probably the Thomas Davis who was of Newbury in 1640 and became an early settler of Haverhill MA. He died 27 July 1653 (or 83); she d. 7 Apr 1668
Children of Thomas & Christian Davis:
1. Joseph, died 15 Sep 1670]

John Davis, [another source states he was the son of THOMAS DAVIS, brother to JAMES] son of James & Cicely (Thayer) Davis, was b. 28 Jan 1621/23 in Newbury, Essex Co MA, and d. 18 July 1694 in Haverhill MA.  He married 10 Dec 1646 in Haverhill MA to Jane Peaslee, dau of Joseph & Mary (Johnson) Peaslee.  She b. 1627 in Haverhill MA and d. 12 Jan 1684 in Dover, Strafford Co NH. According to the NEGHS Register, 6:35, he was b. 1623 and was of Oyster River in 1656, in which year he purchased land; in 1661 had a grant of land near Lamprey River. Was admitted freeman at Dover NH 22 May 1666. His will was dated 1 April 1685, proved 25 May 1686. He gave property to his child. John, Joseph, Moses, James, Mary (Heath), Sarah (Smith), Hannah (Kezan), Jane, Jemima, Judith; to grandchild John Heath, whom he had kept “from two years.” John Gerrish, Thomas Edgerly, Exeutors. His will states: “In the name of God, Amen. The first day of April in ye year of our Lord God. One thousand Six hundred Eighty-five, I, John Davis of Oyster River, in the Province of New Hampshire, being of perfect memory (blessed be the Lord for it) and calling to mind the frailty of my nature and the certainty of death, & how soon it shall please God to call me hence, I know not, I do here make my last Will & Testament, revoking & annulling all & every Will or Wills, Testament or Testaments heretofore made, or done either by word or Writing, and this to be taken for my Last will and Testament.  Imprimis, I commit my soul to God who gave it, and my body to ye earth from whence it was taken, & to be decently buried in some covenient place where my Executors hereafter named shall appoint.  And as for my temporal Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I do order and dispose of it in manner as followeth.  It my Will is, That all such Debts as I do in reason & conscience ow to any person or persons, be honestly and justly paid in some convenient time after my decease; Then my debts being paid & my funeral charged defraid, what shall remain I do dispose of to wit:
It. I do give to my son John Davis, the Six Score acres of Land which I had by a Town grant, Situate & lying & being at Turtle pond in Oister river; and my best ffeather bed, the Ticking and feathers after the decease of my wife.
It. I do give to my sons Moses Davis & Joseph Davis that Tract of Land situate and lying at Mouth Spcket ffails in the Township of Haverhill, which was while willed to me by the Last Will & Testament of my ffather being by estimation Two hundred acres, be it more or less, to be equally divided between them.
It. I do give my son Moses Davis Policio meadow, which my father did will to me, lying in Haverhill Township.
It. I do give to my son Joseph Davis, the one half of the Marsh which I bought of Mr. Valentine Bill, situate and lying at Greenland.
It. I do give to my three elder Daughters, Mary Heath, Sarah Smith, and Hanra Kezar, each of them ffive shillings.
It. I do give to my three younger daughters Jane Davis & Jemima Davis, and Judith Davis, fifteen pounds each of them, and at or before the first day of April in the year of our Lord God one thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six; to be delivered to each of them one Cow and one Ewe Sheep in part of the said fifteen pounds at such a prcie as my overseers shall judge of; or as my Executors and they can agree; and the one half of what shall be due to them of the said fifteen pounds a peace, to be paid to each of them at or before that day Twelve months next following; and the remainder of the said fifteen pounds to be paid to each of them at or before that day Twelve month the next following after, and if it do happen that if either one of them, or two of them do dye before, & not being married, that then their said Porceons shall remain to ye Survivors, or Survivor of ye three. But if Providence of God should so fall out that they could — damage to ye Estate, then my Will is, to stay a year or two longer.
It. Whereas I John Heart my Grandchild, which I have kept and brought up ever since he was two years of age, now if ye said John Hearth do remain and dwell with my Executors until he shall accomplish ye age of One and twenty years, that then my Will is that my Executor do give the said John Hearth Twenty pounds.
It. I do give to my ffour Sons, my Clothes, & my Guns, & all my Tools, as I shall order them to be divided in a Codicil, or a peace of writing.
It. Also for my Household Goods which I shall not dispose of by a Codicil or a peace of writing, I do leave them to my wife to dispose of to my Daughters, as she shall see meet.
It. I do give my son James Davis my Estate of Houses & lands with all ye privileges thereunto belonging, wherein I now dwell, after the decease of my wife; and also ye one half of ye Marsh at Greenland; & do also make my beloved wife Jane Davis & my sd son James Davis to be joint Executors during my Wife’s life or widowhood; during which time I give my wife the Leanto & yet Leanto Garret to her use.
[etc] Witnesses, John Evans, John Davis, John Meader, Joseph Meader. [Note: in his codicils he distributed his guns, tools and clothing to his various sons]
Children of John & Jane (Peaslee) Davis:
1. Mary Davis, b. 6 Nov 1647 in Haverhill, Essex Co MA; m. 19 July 1671 to Josiah Heath of Haverhill MA; ch: Mary, Josiah, John, Jane, Deborah, James, Sarah, Hannah, Judith.
2. Sarah Davis, b. 7 March 1649 in Haverhill MA; m. James Smith of Oyster River. They lived at Oyster River Falls. Children: John, James, Samuel, Mary, Sarah and two that died while children. Her husband died “from a surfeit which he go in running to assist Capt. Floyd at Wheelwrights Pond” in 1690. She was with her brother John during an Indian attack, and was killed by them 18 July 1694, as was her son Samuel.
3. John Davis, b. 22 Aug 1651 in Haverhill MA; lived at Oyster River. He was called Ensign at the time of the attack at Oyster River 16 July 1694, when he, his wife and several children were killed, and their two daughters carried captive.  One of their daughters afterwards returned, and the second one entered a nunnery in Canada.
4. Hannah Davis, b. 24 Dec 1653 in Dover, Strafford Co NH; m. 28 Sep 1677 to John Kezan/Keyzan/Lezan of Haverhill MA. Was killed by the Indians 15 March 1696-97. Children: John, George, Timothy, Sarah, Mary, Eleazar, Samuel, George.
5. Jane Davis, b. 29 Dec 1655 in Dover NH, d. 23 Sep 1656
6. Moses Davis, b. 30 Dec 1657 in Dover NH; m. 16 Jan 1681 in Haverhill MA to Ruhama/Reuhamah Dow; resided Haverhill; was killed 10 June 1724 with his son Moses. His ch were John, Moses, Jabez, Ebenezer, David.
7. Joseph Davis, b. 26 Jan 1660 or 26 Jan 1659 in Dover NH; probably the “Sergeant Davis” who assisted in defending the house of his brother not mentioned on its attack. We know nothing further of him.
8. +James Davis, b. 23 May 1662 in Dover NH
9. Jane Davis, b. 15 May 1664 in Dover NH
10. Jemima Davis, b. abt 1665-1667
11. Judith Davis, b. 1668 in Dover NH

James Davis, son of John & Jane (Peaslee) Davis, was b. 23 May 1662 in Dover, Strafford Co NH and d. 8 Sep 1749 in Oyster River, Strafford Co NH. He m. 1 Oct 1688 in Durham NH to Elizabeth Chesley, dau of Thomas & Elizabeth (Thomas) Chesley.  She b. 1669 in Oyster River NH and d. abt 1748 in Oyster River NH. During the French and Indians War: He was a Lieutenant in 1691 in King William’s War, a Captain in Queen Anne’s War in 1704, and afterwards Colonel; he was a brave and successful officer. He was also, for many years, a prominent and useful member of the General Assembly of New Hampshire. His house in Dover was a garrison. He was a judge at the time of his death. Land which he owned in Madbury remained in possession of his descendants for many years. James made his will 18 Oct 1748, “advanced in years” &c. He gave to his son Ephraim wearing apparel. To son James and son Samuel, one hundred acres of land in Dover where they dwelled, “which land was granted to my father John Davis by the town,” also twenty acres more on the northwest side of Maharimetts Hill.  To son James, all my right in the first division in Bow.  To son Thomas, twenty acres granted me by Dover on the northerly side of Strong’s hundred acres, and three-fifths of one hundred acres granted to father John Davis near Lampereel river, and the other two-fifths to go to sons Samuel and Daniel.  To son Daniel six acres of Fresh meadow granted by Dover, and seventeen acres granted him in the common land in Durham, adjoining to Cauley’s marsh.  To son Ephraim, “the Homestead where I now live” between Coll. Samuel Smith’s and Daniel Meader, with house &c and that Ephraim shall entail said homestead to which ever of his sons he shall see fit; also twenty-five acres which I purchased of Joseph Sheffield with fifteen more granted my father by Dover.  To daughters Sarah Hicks and Phoebe Mathews all my right in Barnstead.  To daughter Hannah Deering my first division lot in Rochester; also forty acres in the second division lot in Rochester. To daughter Elizabeth Hicks, land in Canterbury. To
Children of James & Elizabeth (Chesley) Davis:
1. James Davis, b. 10 July 1689 in Oyster River, Strafford Co NH, baptized 1719, with his mother at Oyster River Parish (now Durham) NH by Rev. Hugh Adams; m1) 5 Nov 1728 Ruth Ayer of Haverhill MA who d. 28 Apr 1730. He m2) Elizabeth Pain of York. Had issue.
2. Thomas Davis, b. 20 Oct 1690 in Oyster River NH, died age 88
3. +Samuel Davis, b. 26 Sep 1692 in Durham, Strafford Co NH
4. Daniel Davis, b. 29 Jan 1695 in Oyster River NH, died age 65
5. Sarah Davis, b. 3 March 1697 in Durham NH; m. James Hicks and died aged 91
6. Hannah Davis, b. 28 March 1699 in Oyster River NH; m. Clement Deering and died age 77
7. Elizabeth Davis, b. 13 July 1701 in Oyster River NH; m. John Hicks, and died age 79
8. Ephraim Davis, b. 30 Apr 1704 in Oyster River NH, baptized Nov 1 1719 along with his mother and oldest brother James at Oyster River Parish (now Durham) NH; d. 1791 age 87
9. Phebe Davis, b. 19 Apr 1706 in Oyster River NH; m. — Mathes and d. aged 85
10. Eleazer Davis, b. 5 Oct 1709 in Oyster River NH

Samuel Davis, son of James & Elizabeth (Chesley) Davis, was b. 26 Sep 1692 in Durham NH and d. 26 Feb 1789, age 99 in Madbury, Strafford Co NH. He married about 1715 in Dover NH to Martha Chesley, dau of Thomas & Ann (Huntress) Chesley.  She b. abt 1692 in Oyster River NH and d. 1789 in Madbury, Stafford Co NH.
Children of Samuel & Martha (Chesley) Davis:
1. Samuel Davis, b. 1720 in Greenland, Rockingham Co NH; m1) Abigail; m2) Betty, had issue
2. Eleazer Davis, b. 1722; d. 1745
3. James Davis, b. 1724; d. 1752
4. Hannah Davis, b. 1726 in Madbury, Stafford Co NH; m. Nathaniel Davis
5. Elizabeth Davis, b. 1728; m. ?Moses Davis or John Demerritt
6. +Thomas Davis, b. 10 June 1732 in Durham, Strafford Co NH

Thomas Davis, son of Samuel & Martha (Chesley) Davis, was b. 10 June 1732 in Durham, Strafford Co NH, and d. about 1802 in NH.  He married abut 1757 to Elizabeth Roberts, dau of John & Sarah (Buzzell) Roberts.  She b. 21 March 1736 in Dover, Strafford Co NH. He married about 1761 to Abigail Jones.  She was b. abt 1735.
Child[ren] of Thomas & Elizabeth (Roberts) Davis:
1. +Stephen Davis, b. 14 Feb 1762 in Madbury, Strafford Co NH

Stephen Davis, son of Thomas & Elizabeth (Roberts) Davis, b. 14 Feb 1762 at Madbury, Strafford Co NH. He married about 1787 to Mary Boynton.  She b. abt 1767.
Children of Stephen & Mary (Boynton) Davis:
1. Edmund Davis, b. 12 Feb 1788 in Canterbury, Merrimack Co NH; d. 10 July 1855 in Barnston, Stanstead, Canada
2. Elizabeth Davis, b. 1 Feb 1791 in Canterbury NH, d. Lakeport, Belknap Co NH
3. Samuel Davis, b. 18 May 1793 in Canterbury NH
4. +Mark Davis, b. 1 March 1796 in Canterbury NH
5. Abigail Davis, b. 24 Nov 1799 in Canterbury NH
6. Sally Davis, b. 24 Apr 1801 in Canterbury NH
7. Thomas Davis, b. 1 Feb 1804 in Canterbury NH
8. Susannah Davis, b. 25 June 1806 in Canterbury NH

Mark Davis, son of Stephen & Mary (Boynton) Davis, b. 1 March 1796 in Canterbury, Merrimack Co NH and d. 12 March 1869 in Canterbury NH; He married 11 Sep 1822 in Canterbury NH to Abigail Stevens, dau of Simons Stevens.  She b. 11 Sep 1798 in Canterbury NH and died in the same town.
Children of Mark & Abigail (Stevens) Davis:
1. Caroline Davis, b. Aug 1824 in Canterbury NH, d. Canterbury NH
2. Submit N. Davis, b. 1825 in Canterbury NH; d. 13 Se 1894 in Providence RI
3. +Calvin Harlow Davis, b. 9 July 1827 in Canterbury NH
4. Simon Stevens Davis, b. 1829 in Canterbury NH, d. 11 Nov 1888
5. Mary Elizabeth Davis, b. Feb 1833 in Canterbury NH; d. 11 June 1836 in Canterbury NH
6. John W. Davis, b. 1840 in Canterbury, NH; d. 12 Feb 1891 in Franklin NH
7. Charles H Davis, b. Feb 1844 in Canterbury NH; d. 11 June 1903 in Providence RI

Calvin Harlow Davis, son of Mark & Abigail (Stevens) Davis, was b. 9 July 1827 in Canterbury, Merrimack Co NH, and d. 25 July 1876 in Aiken, South Carolina.  In 1850 he was a teacher in Whitestown, Oneida Co NY. He married 12 July 1851 in Waterville, Kennebec Co ME to Ann P. Mathews, dau of John & Pamelia Mathews.  She b. abt 1831 in Waterville, Maine.
U.S. Census > 1860 United States Federal Census > Maine > Kennebec > Waterville
Calvin H. Davis 33 M Agent for sale of books 1500/1000 NH
Ann P. Davis, 33 F 2500 Maine
Herbert M. Davis 7 M Maine
Edward E. Davis 6 M Maine
Walter H. Davis 2 M Maine
Permelia Mathews 72 F 1000 Maine
Children of Calvin H. & Ann P. (Mathews) Davis:
1. Herbert Mathews Davis, b. 9 Sep 1852 in Haverhill MA
2.+Edward Elwell Davis, b. 10 March 1854 in New Hampton NH
3. Walter Howard Davis, b. 26 June 1858 in West Waterville ME
4. Willis Morrell Davis, b. 1 Feb 1864 in West Waterville ME; he married about 1890 to Nettie Berry. She b. Jan 1865 in ME. In 1990 living in Topsham, Saquadahoc ME with wife and son, Carl H. Davis (b. Apr 1896 ME). In 1910 living in Biddeford, York Co ME with wife, son Carl, daughter Lucile (age 7) and mother-in-law Esther M. Berry (age 71, b. ME). In 1920 living in Lisbon, Androscoggin ME with wife Nettie, son Carl, daughter-in-law Hazel (age 21), dau Lucile, and mother-in-law Esta A. Berry. (age 80 a widow). In 1930 Willis and Nettie were living at Old Orchard Beach ME, his occupation retired clergyman.

Edward Elwell Davis, son of Calvin Harlow & Ann P. (Mathews) Davis, was b. 10 March 1854 in New Hampton NH, and d. 7 March 1905.  He married Eliza Jane Morrell, dau of Alexander H. & Eliza (Seavey) Morrell.  She b. 30 Apr 1855/56 in Phillips ME and d. 31 May 1906 in Old Orchard, York Co ME.
U.S. Census > 1900 United States Federal Census > Maine > Kennebec > Augusta > District 105
Davis, Edward E. Head W M March 1854 46 married 17 yrs NH ME ME clothing ?mfg
Davis, Eliza M. wife W F Nov 1855 44 married 17 yrs 1 ch 1 living ME ME ME
Davis, Harlow M. son W M March 1885 15 single ME NH ME at school
Morrell Eliza S. mother-in-law W F Sept 1817 82 widow 3 ch 3 living ME ME ME
Stevens, Elvira C. servant W F Jan 1860 40 single ME ME ME servant
Child of Edward E. & Eliza J. (Morrell) Davis:
1. + Harlow Morrell Davis, b. 9 March 1885 in Augusta, Kennebec Co ME

Harlow Morrell Davis, son of Edward Elwell & Eliza Jane (Morrell) Davis, was b. 9 March 1885 in Augusta, Kennebec Co ME;  He married 1 July 1907 in Lowell MA to Ruth Augusta Favor, dau of William Aaron & Harriet Eugenie (Thompson) Favor.  She b. 16 Sep 1885 in Lowell or Tyngsboro, MA, and d. 5 July 1961. In 1918 he filled out a WWI Draft Registration Card showing he was living at 126 St. Botolph St. in Boston MA.  His next of kin is listed as Mrs. Ruth Davis, 8 Hancock St. in Winchester MA. At that time he was asst dept manager at United Shoe Manufacturing Corp  at 179 Lincoln St. Boston MA. They divorced in 1918 (possibly separated or divorced by 1916).  He married 2nd) about 1926 to Minnie Flora Stewart.  She was b. 1885 and d. 1969. She and Harlow are buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Augusta, Maine.  In 1930 living in Belmont MA.
1910 United States Federal Census > Massachusetts > Middlesex > Somerville Ward 7 > District 1021
Davis, Harlow M. Head M W 25 m1x 2 yrs Maine NH Maine Lawyer
Davis, Ruth F. wife F W 24 m1x 2 yrs 2 ch 2 living MA NH MA
Davis, Ruth E. dau F W 2 single MA ME MA
Davis, Barbara H. dau F W 6/12 single MA ME MA
Gurtis, Alice M. servant F W 22 single Ire Ire Ire, servant, pvt family
1920 United States Federal Census > Massachusetts > Suffolk > Boston Ward 7 > District 197
Davis, Harlow M. Head W M 34 divorced Maine NH Rhode Island lawyer corporation [b abt 1886]
Fitzgerald, James B. roomer M W 60 single MA Ire Ire physician & real estate
1930 United States Federal Census > Massachusetts > Middlesex > Belmont > District 181
Davis, Harlow M. Head 12,000 M W 45 married at age 41 Maine Maine Maine lawyer
Davis, Minnie — Wife W F 44 married at age 40 Canada-Eng Can-Eng Can-Eng; immigrated 1900 naturalized
Children of Harlow M. & Ruth A. (Favor) Davis:
1. +Ruth Elizabeth “Bette” Davis, b. 5 Apr 1908 in Lowell MA
2. Barbara Harriet Davis, b.  Oct 25 1909 in Somerville MA; died Jul. 19, 1979; married — Berry. Buried with her sister at Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

Ruth Elizabeth Davis, (aka Bette Davis) dau of Harlow and Ruthie Davis, was born 5 April 1908 in Lowell MA. She died of Cancer 6 October 1989 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. Bette, her mother, and sister, are buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills. Actress. She married 1st) 18 August 1932 to Harmon “Ham” Nelson, and divorced 6 December 1938. She married 2nd) 31 December 1940 to Arthur Farnsworth. He died 25 August 1943. She married 3rd, 30 Nov 1945 to William Grant Sherry. They divorced 3 July 1950 (had 1 child). She married 4th) 28 July 1950 to Gary Merrill and had two adopted children. They divorced 6 July 1960.
Children of Ruth E. “Bette” Davis:
1. (natural child by William Sherry), Barbara Davis “B.D.” Sherry-Merrill, born May 1, 1947 in Santa Ana California. She was adopted by Davis’s husband, Gary Merrill in 1950. She took back her own last name, Sherry, upon turning sixteen. She married Jeremy A. Hyman, a Seven Arts film executive at the age of sixteen. She and her husband had two sons (including Justin R., b. 1977). She was the author of two books critical of her mother, and is a church pastor in Charlottesville, Virginia.
2. (adopted) Michael Merrill
3. (adopted) Margot Merrill

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