Poem: A New Hampshire Political Halloween Brew

Fillet of a Wiezcorek;
In the cauldron Pignatelli bake.
Eye of Lynch, and toe of Griffin,
Wool of Burton, and tongue of Spaulding.
Bass’s fork, and Bradley’s sting,
Judd Gregg’s leg, and Sununu’s wing.
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Round about the caldron go,
In the political entrails throw.
Cool it with a primary,
Then the charms a cup of tea.
O, well done! I commend your pains;
And everyone shall share i’ the gains

-by Janice Brown
[Apologies to Shakespeare’s Macbeth]

ADDENDUM: April 2007 – some of the politicians and/or elected officials above have moved on, and the original links no longer work, so they have been changed.

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