Tag Archives: served

New Hampshire WWI Hero Serving Under Three Flags: Doctor David Everett Wheeler (1872-1918)

David Everett Wheeler, M.D.’s World War I service is credited to New Hampshire. At the time of his death, both he and his wife were serving in Europe, (she as a nurse) but they kept a Concord, New Hampshire residence … Continue reading

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New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Hollis

The town of Hollis New Hampshire sent 43 men to service during World War I. The residents who remained at home did their part too–participating in the Red Cross, raising funds for War bonds, demonstrating thrift in the kitchens and … Continue reading

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New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Charlestown

In front of the Silsby Pubic Library in Charlestown, New Hampshire sits a memorial to both the Civil War and World War I.  The Civil War monument was placed earlier, unveiled on 6 October 1911. At that time there was … Continue reading

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New Hampshire WWI Military: Private James H Beck of Mason

Before the World War the population of Mason, New Hampshire hovered just above 325 people. After the War the population would drop to below 300, and would not begin to recover until the 1950s. Mason sent its young men into … Continue reading

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New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Alton

The picturesque town of Alton, New Hampshire has always had a small population. Even today it contains around 5,320 residents, though that number expands a bit in the summer tourist season. In 1910 the census was a mere 1,348.  By … Continue reading

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