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Mark Twain wrote, “History doesn’t repeat itself – at best it sometimes rhymes.” He was partially true. Unless we study history, and pay attention to the lessons it brings, we are bound to repeat its mistakes. If it rhymes, then it may just end up in the poetry section of my blog.  In April of 2024 my blog is officially 18 years old!

My grandmother and father passed along a love of history and everything New Hampshire to me, and I try to share that joy with my readers. (My mom passed along a sense of humor, which is very important too). I do not pretend to be a historian, but am rather a woman with an overly curious mind. I love old cemeteries, dusty books, women’s history, and ancient people.

If Thanks Is Needed
If you have learned something new about your family or yourself by reading my blog, and you wish to thank me, just leave me a message. If you wish to do more, do good by donating to a New Hampshire non-profit of your choice.  Please let me know about it!

I agree, one cannot copyright public factual information (such as dates of events). However, within the text of MOST of my stories are personally owned photographs. Also the creative content that was added to these stories make them uniquely my own, each a formerly unpublished work. The hours and hours of research, and the compilations of both historical and genealogical material make each article a unique work of love. You may use what is here ONLY for personal use. I do NOT give you, or anyone else, permission to use anything on my blog in a non-commercial or commercial way– published, electronic, or on a CD (this means no, you can’t republish my stuff without written permission and you can never sell my stuff!).

I also NEVER give permission to anyone to post my photographs on commercial web sites (you know them). Those organizations are very useful and I pay the commercial ones well to use their services. However I do not want them to own my photographs which might allow them to resell them, or for my photographs to lose their source of information. So NO, you may not copy my photographs and post them there or in similar locations, whether or not you are able to contact me for permission.  If I wish a photograph posted to these services, I will do it myself.  You do not have my permission to link to a graphic or photograph on this blog, or to add my photographs to other sites, and I will do my best to block you if you do.

If you see something unique you’d like to borrow, or use in a commercial publication (for example, a chamber of commerce, historical society, etc.) and you would like to ASK permission from me to use it, PLEASE DO contact me at my email address below. Ditto for someone writing a family history. Ask first. I might surprise you and say yes.

Copyright 2006-2024 Janice A. Brown, All rights reserved. All unpublished works. Blog: Cow Hampshire |  [Please note that many of these articles were originally posted on my first blog, hosted by BlogHarbor. In those cases the copyright extends back to 2006 or the date when they were first posted. The actual posting date should show beneath the title of each blog post.]

Wondering about the name of my blog, Cow Hampshire? Read this article: “NH Tidbits: Cow Hampshire Revisited,” to understand my rationale behind the title.  In 2018 I changed my logo from a Holstein dairy cow to a “Yellow Cowe” to be historically correct.

Please! If you get an idea, or use bits of specific information found on my blog, please at least give me credit for it [refer to my blog, Cow Hampshire]. You can get my blog URL at the top of this page, (or at the top of story pages) and feel free to link back to me. Please do NOT link to my photographs in such a way that it steals my bandwidth. I pay for this blog with real money. If I discover that you have abused my blog by using my photographs without permission, or by stealing my bandwidth, I will ban you from my entire domain.

All data and information provided on this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, current-ness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.  Blah blah blah. <g>  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  I don’t make a penny from anything you find here, and if I write or share a story with a magazine or newspaper, the funds are always donated to a non-profit society or entity.


I am not really the “award-seeking” type, but I thought it was so very cool when the New Hampshire magazine editor picked me for the following award. Even more inspiring to me, is that they run the “Best of New Hampshire” awards each year, as a fund raiser to feed New Hampshire’s hungry. Kudo’s to them.

Editor’s Pick: Best History Blog, Best of NH 2007

“We live in a history-drenched part of the world, but Cow Hampshire is much more than a tour of the New Hampshire “Memory House” (thank Howard Mansfield for that excellent term). It’s a look at the state’s past and present through the eyes (and words) of a true Granitophile. Janice Brown digs through the stories of New Hampshire with an amazing knack for pattern recognition, finding the connections and the nuances that make the dustiest of footnotes into something relevant and entertaining.” — NH Magazine.


My name is Janice Brown.  I own the copyright to all the articles here, and all the photographs unless otherwise stated. You may contact me at this email address:

Please be patient, as I often receive over a hundred email inquiries a day. If your question refers to a specific post on this blog, leaving a comment will be a much faster way to get my attention.  Cow Hampshire is also on FaceBook. Feel free to visit and give me a “Like”!

– That I personally belong to –
New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord NH [life member]
Goffstown Historical Society, Goffstown NH [life member]
Merrimack Historical Society, Merrimack NH [life member]
New Market Historical Society, New Market, NH [life member]
Pittsburg Historical Society, Pittsburg NH [life member]
Painted Hills Genealogy Society New York, [life member]
Webster Historical Society, Webster NH [life member, verified 2020]
Manchester Historic Association, Manchester NH [Oct 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, Aug 2020, June 2024]
New England Historic Genealogical Society [American Ancestors, 40 yrs member in 2016, 2020, 2024]
Penacook Historical Society, Penacook NH (2024)
Rye Historical Society, Rye NH (2024)

Memberships (sometimes/some years)
Connecticut Society of Genealogists [member 30+ years, #6031]
Daughters of the American Revolution, Oak Tree Chapter [21 year member]
American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester NH
Exeter Historical Society, Exeter NH [September 2015 & March 2017 sponsoring member]
Sunapee Historical Society, Sunapee NH [Dec 2016]
Bethlehem Heritage Society, Bethlehem NH [2018]
Weare Historical Society, Weare NH
The Pierce Brigade, Concord NH
New Hampshire Old Graveyard Association
Friends of the Nashua (NH) Library

Organizations That Also Interest Me
Concord Historical Society, Concord NH
Farmington Historical Society, Farmington NH
Londonderry Historical Society, Londonderry NH
New Hampshire Society of Genealogists
United States World War 1 Centennial Commission

Publications Where My Blog or My Articles Have Been (Recently) Featured:

David Brooks in an article for the Concord Monitor, quotes me and my blog at “New Hampshire has a tradition of hermits in the woods.

My blog articles about suffrage and the 19th Amendment in New Hampshire are used as an information source by the U.S. National Park Service.

My blog is listed as a “news source” on “Spot On New Hampshire.”

The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript article, “Haunted Lake: Getting to the Bottom of Francestown pond’s various names,” by Abbe Hamilton, includes mention of my research into the origin of “Haunted Lake.”

The Conway Daily Sun article, “100 Years Later: Historians Recall Local WWI Ties,” by Tom Eastman includes mention of my research in the Conway NH area (thanks Tom!).

David Brooks at The Granite Geek at the Concord Monitor newspaper was kind enough to give me mention for my 12 years in blogging.  His stories about technology and science are always interesting, and David has an amazing way of presenting technical information in a understandable way.  Sign up for his newsletter so you don’t miss a single story.  [March 2018]

The Farmington Historical Society streams my last 5 blog posts at the bottom of their web site, along with local news and historical events of interest. [2018]

NPR: Planet Money gives me a shout-out at the end of the podcast for assistance with  their Social Security Number story. I helped them learn about Grace (Owen) Muzzey and connect them with her niece.  [March 2018]

The United States World War I Commission officially lists my blog as the “GOTO” place  for information on New Hampshire’s involvement in World War 1 by linking to me. [October 2017].

The U.S. WWI Commission also included two of my stories in their newsletter,”Dispatch.” The blog posts were: (On my Searchroots Blog): A Quick Guide To Researching United States WWI Military Genealogy  and my ongoing series of stories here at Cow Hampshire, New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War [September 6, 2016] – Union Leader: Stories are frequently highlighted and linked to, an online news compiler owned by the Union Leader, a New Hampshire news agency.

New Hampshire Magazine:  — John Stark: A Hero For His Time and Ours [April 2017] [payment donated to Liberty House, Manchester NH].

Kearsarge Magazine: — Talking To The Dead  [in the August 2015 edition] [payment donated to the Sunapee Historical Society]

Blazing Caribou Studio: reference material for their Podcast: Lampreys – Varmints! – 30 [April 2017]

Various Collector Websites refer to my history stories, i.e. Roycrofts | Collector’s Weekly, Medallic Art Collector,  [2015-2016]

New Hampshire in the Classroom, a production of the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation, featured my story on The History of Cranberries in New Hampshire. [November 2015]